Klausurvorbereitung Flashcards
Draw the Double Diamon
Summary P2
Explain the RTI Process
Phase I: Start
Problem Space:
Phase II: Discover and Explore
Phase III: Transform
Solution Space:
Phase IV: Create
Phase V: Implement
What approach does the SCE use? Name and draw the entire process
Human-centered, Design Thinking Inspired Process.
1. Start: Team & Vision
2. Understand the Problem
3. Empathy for People
4. Synthesis & POV
5. Generate Ideas
6. Prototyping
7. Business Model
8. Test & Validate
9. Implelement & Grow
SCE Approach: START: 1. Team & Vision
How to conduct the Starting Process?
- Ikigai
- Teamroles (via Team Canvas)
- Project Introduction
- Team building
- Project Management
How does IKIGAI Work? And draw the circles
What you Love
+ what the world needs = Mission
What the world needs
+ what you can be paid for = vocation
What you can be paid for
+ What you are good at = profession
What you are good at
+ What you love = passion
All together = IKIGAI
What is included in a Team-Canvas?
- People and Roles
- Common Goals
- Professional Goals
- Strengths & Assets
- Values
- Needs & Expectations
- Roles & Activities
- Weakness & Risks
In the Center: VALUES
SCE Approach DISCOVER & EXPLORE: 2. Understanding the problem. How to conduct this stage?
- Stakeholder Mapping
- Benchmarking
Name the Stakeholder Mapping axes
! Power _ Interest
What are the PESTEL Factors?
How to conduct a Benchmarking in the Beginning?
PETAL Diagram
SCE Approach: DISCOVER & EXPLORE: 3. Empathy for people. How to approach
- Stakeholder Selection (Extreme Users)
- Interviews
- Observe/AEIOU
Whats the AEIOU Methodology?
SCE Approach: TRANSFORM: 4. Synthesis & POV. What to do?
Create Personas, Customer Journeys, Value Proposition Canvas, Requirements Net, POV
Draw the Customer Journey
Page 4 Summary
Name a POV Sentence
[User] needs to [user’s needy] because [insight].
SCE Approach: CREATE: 5. Generate Ideas. Name 5 Methods to generate Ideas
- Brainstorming
- Ideal funnel (Generate Ideas, Evaluate ideas, develop concepts)
- Crazy 8
- Dot Voting
- What would ELON or XY do?
Name 5 Rules for Brainstorming
- Not to wide
- Not to narrow
- Quantity over quality
- no judgement
- encourage wild ones
- focus on topics
- be visual
SCE Approach: CREATE: 6. Prototype: How can you prototype?
- Role Playing
- Concept Sketch
- Wizard of Oz (mid fidelity)
- MockUp
SCE Approach: CREATE: 7. BUSINESS MODEL: How to design the Business Model?
- Impact Assessment
Explain the Business Model Canvas
- Key partners
- key activities
- key resources
- value proposition
- customer relationship
- channels
- customer segments
- Cost structure
- Revenue Stream
How does the Imapct Assessment work?
Input > Output > Outcome > Impact
Input: 3 people donate 100 euro each to good cause
Output: 100 meals are bought for children
Outcome: 100 kids are not hungry
Impact: Kids are well noursihed and can learn better
SCE Approach: CREATE: 8. Test & Validate. How can you test it?
With Test Cards.
- We believe that XY
- To verify that, we will XY
- And measure XY
- We are right if XY
SCE Approach: IMPLEMENT: 9. Implement & Grow. What is necessary to do in this phase?
- Marketing Plan
- Finance Plan
- Roadmap
- Investor Pitch
- Project Documentation and Business Plan
How does the Ideal startup process look like according to SCE?
Drawing IDEAL Page 6