Methodology Flashcards
Explain what Philosophy of Science we use
Pragmatism = recognizing that there are different views of interpreting the research topic, action-oriented research, research takes its starting point in a challenge (COVID-19 and changing consumer trends affecting strategizing), desired outcomes are suggestions for further practice.
Explain the Ontology view
We follow a subjective aspect as we are studying the changing consumer trends and influence of COVID-19 with the purpose of understanding the subjective reality of stakeholders and their actions, motives and intentions.
Explain the Epistemology view
We use both the resources and feelings researched view, as our thesis has the purpose of observing phenomena and subjective meanings of feelings and attitudes towards the changing consumer trends and COVID-19, which can also be presented in a statistical form based on our questionnaire.
What approach to theory development is used?
We used an abductive approach, as we have used a combination of deduction and induction and as we began our research with the surprising fact of the difficulties in strategizing due to the uncertainty of COVID-19.
What research level is used?
Explanatory level = study a situation to explain the relationship between changing consumer trends and COVID-19 and how these have impacted strategizing. Also studying future occurrences through the use of scenario planning.
What research strategy is used?
Case study = Single holistic case as we are only using one case, SAS, and as we are analyzing them as a whole.
What case selection is used?
Paradigmatic case = purpose is to provide an example of how organizations can strategize taking into account the changing consumer trends and COVID-19.
Explain the use of Mixed Methods
We have used mixed methods as it goes well in line with our pragmatic view of using multiple methods, as we want to link our questionnaire to other methods, thereby creating a more solid foundation when drawing conclusions.
What primary data is used?
Quantitative research survey with the purpose of clarifying the work-, consumption-, and travel habits before/during/after COVID-19. It is composed as a questionnaire.
What is the aim of the questionnaire?
Providing different types of descriptive and factual information used to generalize the habits of the different generations.
What are the purpose/pros/cons of using a questionnaire?
Pros = can easily collect quantitative data, gives the researcher more control.
Cons = less wide-ranging
Purpose = want to generalize based on statistics
What type of questionnaire is used? (Pros-cons)
Standardized internet-mediated questionnaire = shared on social media, self-completed.
Pros = respondents are less prone to risk of social norms
Cons = interviewer cannot provide extra motivation and assistance to respondents
What is the target population and sample frame?
Target population = all units to which we desire to generalize our questionnaire
- 226 responses which is a small sample extracted from the total Danish population
Sample frame = the list of units in the population we want to draw from (Facebook, LinkedIn)
Non-probability self-select sampling = everyone is allowed to answer
What causes the consequences of the research not being 100% accurate?
Skewness in questionnaire (women heavily, regions)
However still a somewhat equal distribution of generations except silent.
How have you tried to accommodate answers from all generations?
By cross-sharing the questionnaire on both Facebook and LinkedIn.
How have you ensured to get as many accurate reposes as possible?
Minimizing the complexity of the questions by using a simple language, avoid negative-, leading-, and double-barreled questions, formulated short and precise questions.
How have you motivated respondents to participate?
We have a presumption of that the ones choosing to participate have an intrinsic motivation to provide optimal answers as they have necessary knowledge regarding the subject of the questionnaire (COVID-19).
We have primarily used forced-response, closed formats as these are faster to answer and easier to self-administer.
Kept the length to under 5 min.
What pros/cons exists from using closed question formats?
Pros = easier to code, allows responders to classify themselves, increases motivation to accomplish the questionnaire
Cons = bias if the range of options is not sufficient, bias if you prompt acceptable answers
How have you accommodated the disadvantages of using closed question formats?
Ensured to use different types of closed formats (also with open categories in 2) and ensured that the questions are:
- Inclusive (numeric rating scales)
- Exclusive (provide 1 answer, rankings, horizontal rating scale)
- Balancing (same number of high/low responses)
What kind of bias exists in the questionnaire?
- The exclusion of ‘do not know’ as it decreases inclusiveness
- Forced reply (prompted answers) provides potential for unreliable or false answers
- Recall of behavior in some questions can create implications relative to imprecise memories
What types of questions is used?
1) Attribute questions with the purpose of obtaining relevant information on characteristics
2) - Direction attitude questions which seek to discover what they think is desirable in regard to work and shopping prior to COVID-19
- Numerical answers which seek to discover the frequency
- Multiple nominal category with open category
3) - Checklist with open category is used to get insight on COVID-19’s effect on traveling habits
- Ranking and horizontal rating scale to elucidate the actions needed for normalizing lifestyle habits
What are the objective of using pilottesting?
To ensure that questions are understood, helps ensure validity and reliability of the questions, helps ensure face validity.
What relevant information did you get from your pilot testing?
Aimed at testing in all generations.
- Altered Q5+Q11 due to the lack of variation in answers and misunderstanding of the question
- Altered Q1 due to misunderstandings
- No negative feedback however received 15 partial responses in the published questionnaire
What types of secondary data is used?
A variety of different types of sources that are timely and relevant, including documentary, surveys, secondary sources, longitudinal multipack sources (books, journals, industry/governments reports)
Explain the level of Validity
1) Technical validity = choosing the right data representation, ensured by triangulating sources
2) Internal validity = clear causation in observations, explanatory research with the purpose of explaining the cause-effect relationship between 3 topics, most research show positive coincidence (triangulation secondary and primary data)
3) Statistical validity = having a correctly selected sample, included comparable number of respondents in each generation, included cause-effect relationship questions, small sample
4) External validity = specify the generality, research has the purpose of being used for Danish organizations or repeated with gen Z
Explain the level of Reliability
Questionnaire in combination with triangulated secondary sources presents reliable data together, can be repeated and give somewhat same results, participant bias.
Explain the level of Adequacy
Data is sufficient to conduct conclusions as our obtained information are consistent with each other and as we have a high validity and reliability.