Methodologies Flashcards
Speaking to another person to find out information related to the topic. Interviews require prior understanding of topic, a list of questions that will be asked and may require a tape recorder or video camera.
Advantage - great for qualitative information
Disadvantage- lack of variety, thoughts could be bias, depends on quality of questions
Combines observation, interview and/or a written list of questions. Uses representative samples of specific populations and can be done in large numbers
Advantage- Quick to answer, provide lots of information,gather large amounts of data quickly. Data is quantitative and easy to analyze
Disadvantage- no assurance of honesty,
standardized form may restrict people
can achieve detailed opinions
Focus Groups
Involves a groups of 3-8 people together to discuss an issue. Planning and implementation similar to an in-depth interview
Advantage- Can get a mix of opinions,
Detailed information for complex issues.
Disadvantage- May be difficult to manage,
time consuming
Content Analysis
Systematic process for examining the subject matter of a source of information to obtain justifiable and reliable information
- Method of summarizing any form of content by counting various aspects of the content
- Interprets hidden meaning and trends in common media types
- Sources of info include textbooks, novels, TV, internet sites etc
Advantage- Provides quantitative data to supplement research, More interesting than reading the works of others
Disadvantage- Difficult to design,
Time consuming if it is to be done successfully, Requires high level of analytical skills on the part of the student
Statical Analysis
Examines the data generated from questionaries or secondary research. Enables you to make generalisations and describe trends and may involve graphs and carts
Advantage- Complements qualitative research
someone else had does the preliminary work ( data has been done by someone else)
Disadvantage- Collating information can be difficult, statistics can be manipulated and therefore become bias
Case Study
a process or record of research into the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time.
Advantage- can be helpful for a wide range of topics
Disadvantage- Can be very time consuming
A collection of questions related to a specific topic that you distribute to a sample of respondents. Questions asked can be closed or open. Questions must relate to hypothesis,avoid unclear questions, avoid emotions and maintain confidentially
Advantage- investigate a wide variety of areas,
gather large or information
Disadvantage- little flexibility, may lead to misunderstanding,people may not answer open-ended questions thoroughly
Participant and Non Participant
Involves watching and observing in a clearly define area of human behaviour
Non participant observations: does not involve the researcher joining in
Participant Observation: involves the researcher joining in
Advantage-A good source of primary research,
easy to organize and can be repeated several times
Disadvantage- people’s own prejudices may influence
Action Research
Collaborative, ongoing research undertaken by participants who share a common problem that needs solving. Time and resources that are necessary is intense and plenty
Advantage- one of the most effective methodologies, particularly for problem solving
Disadvantage- the time and resources necessary are too great for the majority of students
Ethnographic Study
An ethnographic study involves a significant time commitment of participant observation to find out about the customs, beliefs, attitudes and values of a particular social group.
Advantage- can gain a better understating
Disadvantage- beyond the time limit of most researchers