Meter and Rhythm Flashcards
What is the foot and meter of the following line?
U / U / U / U /
Iambic tetrameter
What kind of rhythm is this: / U
What is a meter with 6 feet?
What is a line with 6 feet called ?
What is a meter with 2 feet called ?
What is a meter with 3 feet called ?
What is a meter with 4 feet called ?
What is a meter with 5 feet called ?
What is a meter with 7 feet called ?
What is a meter with 8 feet called ?
What kind of foot is this : U U /
What kind of foot is this: On the fifteenth of May, in the jungle of Nool.
Describe in symbols (U and /) a line that is iambic hexameter.
U / U / U / U / U / U /
What kind of foot features three syllables, the first two being unstressed and the last one stressed?
Anapest (An anapestic rhythm)
How do we call the type of foot that has an unstressed/stressed pattern?
What is the foot and meter of the following line?
“The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.”
Iambic pentameter
What is meter?
A stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern within the lines of a poem (a meter contains several feet)
stressed/unstressed/unstressed (/,U,U)
Is the word “emphasis” a dactyl?
Scan this line:
“This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pine and the hemlock.”
Dactylic hexameter
What is a foot?
A set number of syllables that are stressed or unstressed
What is a mnemonic device for the dactyl?
A pterodactyl flying down and grabbing two sheep with it.
Is the word “anapest” a dactyl?
“That time of year thou mayst in me behold.”
What is the meter?
Iambic Pentameter
“The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.”
What kind of meter is this?
iambic Pentameter
Is the word “primeval” a dactyl?
What is the foot and meter?
/ U U / U U / U U
Dactylic trimeter
What is the rule of thumb for one syllabic words ?
Important words are stressed and unimportant words are unstressed.
In the rule of thumb, what are important words?
Nouns, verbs and adj
In the rule of thumb, what are unimportant words?
articles, prepositions, conjonctions
“Double, double, toil and trouble;”
What kind of meter is this?
trochaic Tetrameter
“And the sound of a voice that is still”
What kind of meter is this?
anapestic Trimeter
“Kissed the girls and made them cry”
What kind of meter is this?
trochaic Tetrameter
What happens if at the end of a line you have a sole stressed syllable?
You count it as another foot.
Scan this line:
“Picture yourself in a boat on a river with”
Dactylic tetrameter
What is a mnemonic device for an iamb?
The symbol that we draw for the first syllable, which is unstressed, is a “U”, so it can be completed to form an eye shape “O”; thus, it reminds the first syllable “i” in the word iamb.
“It is better to fight for the good than to rave at the ill”
What kind of meter is this?
anapestic Pentameter
Scan this line:
One fish two fish red fish blue fish
Trochaic tetrameter
Scan this line:
“Those lips that Love’s own hand did make”
Iambic Tetrameter
“My life closed twice before its close.” Identify the meter.
Iambic Tetrameter
How many syllables in the word “Dictionary”? Which one is stressed?
4 syllables, (DIC)-tion-ar-y
What is the difference between Rhythm and Meter?
Rhythm refers to the overall tempo, or pace, at which the poem unfolds, while meter refers to the measured beat established by patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables.