Literary Devices Flashcards
“Loud silence” and “Cold fire” are examples of which type of literary device?
“a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication” is the definition of which literary device?
A figure of speech comparing two things using “like” or “as.”
Name the literary device:
The silent snake stopped slithering suddenly.
Define Alliteration
A repeated occurrence of a certain sound or syllable at the beginning of words in on a same line.
When you repeat an expression or a word at the beginning of adjacents lines
Define Caesura
A stop or pause in a metrical line, marked by punctuation; a mark or a break
The recurrence of similar sounds, especially consonants, in close proximity, either at the beginning,m in the middle, or at the end of words.
Define Couplet
A stanza made of two lines
When a poem has lines ending with words that sound the same. In other words, a rhyming of the ends of two or more lines of verse.
End rhyme
Define End-stop line
A poetic device in which a natural pause takes place at the end of a line. Usually, in writing, this pause is expressed by punctuation, such as a colon, semi-colon, comma and period.
When a sentence continues at the end of a line into the next line
Define Internal rhyme
When at least two words rhyme within a single line.
Define Meter
Number of feet or repeated pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables within a line.
Define Quatrain
A stanza, or an entire poem made of four lines, often having an alternate rhyme scheme.
Same words or phrases repeated several times in order to emphasize an idea and make it clearer.
Define Rhyme Scheme
The pattern of the rhymes that comes from the end of each line of the poem. Basically, it is the arrangement of the rhymes.
How the stanzas are arranged throughout the poem.
Stanzaic division
Name the literary device:
My life is my purpose.
My life has meaning
My life is amazing.
Name the literary device:
The headphone explodes, breaking the mold.
Name the literary device:
“That mark our place; in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly.”
End rhyme
Name the literary device:
“ I think I have never seen something
As beautiful as this young girl blushing”
Name the literary device:
“Once upon a time, there was a rhyme that went along with lime”
Internal rhyme
What is the attribution of a human characteristic to a non-living thing?
The use of description and figurative language by the author to present ideas or images that appeal to our senses.
When two opposing ideas or concepts are joined together to create an effect or a new concept.
A word used to represent a sound. While reading the word, we can imagine the sound it makes since the pronunciation of the word sounds like the sound it represents.
A contradictory statement that has no good answer because both parts are in some way wrong.
A word used to represent an entity that is often linked to it or possesses its attributes
A literary device when a part of something represents its whole or when the whole represents only a part.
“A passage in a poem addressed to someone most of the time dead” is the definition of which literary device?
“Refers to the emotions and the feelings related to a word” is the definition of which literary device?
“The direct meaning of a word” is the definition of which literary device?
“A style of writing dependent upon the choice of words or phrases or the style of enunciation” is the definition of which literary device?
A polite, indirect expressions that replace words and phrases considered harsh and impolite” is the definition of which literary device?
“It is a contrast or incongruity between expectations for a situation and what is reality. Or words which are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from their actual meaning” is the definition of which literary device?
“A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable” is the definition of which literary device?
Is “A place to learn and socialize” associated to the denotation or the connotation of the word school?
In the sentence “Don’t act like a (Romeo) in front of her”, what literary device is associated with the word in parenthesis?
What euphemism could be used instead of saying that a person has died?
They have passed away
True or False? “She is as funny as a clown” is an example of a metaphor.
False (Simile)
What type of imagery is used in the following sentence: “The cake’s sweet vanilla frosting reminded her of her youthful days”?
Gustatory Imagery
“I thank you, Shakespeare, for igniting my love for poetry” is an example of which literary device?