Metatheorems Flashcards
If A is logically valid, then ~A is not satisfiable.
If a sequence s satisfies A and also A ⊃ B, then it also satisfies B.
If A and A ⊃ B are both true for an interpretation I, then B is also true for I.
If A and A ⊃ B are both logically valid, then so is B.
A is false for a given interpretation iff ~A is true; and A is true for I iff ~A is false for I.
A is true for I iff ∧vA is true for I for any arbitrary variable v.
A is true for I iff any arbitrary closure of A is true for I.
A is logically valid iff Ac is.
∨vA is satisfiable for an interpretation iff A is satisfiable for the same interpretation.
If vk does not occur free in A, then A ⊃ ∧vkA is logically valid.
Let t and u be terms. Let t′ be the result of replacing each occurrence of vk in t by u. Let s be a sequence, and let us = d. In other words, let the member of D assigned by I to u for the sequence s be d. Let s′ be the sequence that results from substituting d for the kth term of s. Then, t′s = t*s′. In other words, the member of D assigned by I to t′ is the same as the member of D assigned by I to t for sequence s′.
Let A be a wff, vk a variable, t a term that is free for vk in A. Let s be a sequence, and let s′ be the sequence that results from replacing the kth term of s by t*s. Then, s satisfies At/vk iff s′ satisfies A.
∧vkA ⊃ At/vk is logically valid if t is free for vk in A.
If A is a closed wff, then exactly on of A and ~A is true, and exactly one false.
Every theorem of QS is logically valid.
If A is a syntactic consequence of Γ in QS, then A is a semantic consequence of Γ in Q.