K and Q= Flashcards
How is a first order theory, K, related to Q?
- It has the same language as Q or Q+, except that…
a. some or all of the propositional symbols may be absent…
b. some or all of the function symbols may be absent…
c. some or all of the constants may be absent…
d. some but not all of the predicate symbols may be absent… - Its axioms will form two groups:
a. its logical axioms are the same as the axioms of QS,
b. its proper axioms, which are countable in number, are the members of a fixed set of closed formulas of the language of the system, - Its rule of inference is modus ponens.
What is a logical axiom?
Its logical axioms are specified by the schemata QS1-7 applied to the wffs of its language, with QS7 re-worded to‘If A is a logical axiom, then AvA is also a logical axiom’. So every first order theory has for its logical axioms all the axioms of QS (and more, if its language is Q+).
What are proper axioms?
A closed wff of the language.
What is the deduction theorem for K? What about the converse?
The deduction theorem of QS holds for all first-order theories.
- If Г, A⊢QS B, then Г⊢QS (A⊃B).
a. Converse of the Deduction Theorem for QS: If Г⊢QS (A⊃B), then Г, A⊢QS B.
When is a first order theory K consistent?
A first order theory K is consistent iff there is no formula A such that both A is a theorem of K and ∼A is a theorem of K.
What are there effective enumerations of in a first order theory K?
- The formulas of K
- The closed formulas of K
- The formulas of K with exactly one free variable
- The closed terms of K
What are some useful metatheorems about the relationship between closed formulas and the consistency of K?
- If A is a closed formula of K that is not a theorem of K, then K + {∼A} is a consistent first order theory.
- If ∼A is a closed formula of K that is not a theorem of K, then K + {A} is a consistent first order theory.
What is an extension of a system?
- A system S′ is an extension of a system S iff every theorem of S is a theorem of S′.
- If a system S′ is an extension of a system S, then every model of S′ is a model of S.
What does it mean to be negation-complete?
A system S is negation-complete iff for every closed formula (sentence) A of S, either A is a theorem of S or ∼A is a theorem of S.
What is Lindenbaum’s Lemma for first order theories?
If K is a consistent first order theory, then there is a first order theory K′ that is a consistent, negation-complete extension of K with the same formulas as K.
What is K′ (or K∞)?
Let K′ be the system that results from taking as its axioms all the axioms of all the Ki’s. K′ is a first order theory since every new axiom that has been added to K is a closed formula. And since every theorem of K is a theorem of K′, it is an extension of K.
What is the Additional Constants Metatheorem?
If K is a consistent first order theory, then the system that results from adding an effectively enumerable, denumerable set of constants to K (with no new proper axioms) is a consistent first order theory that is an extension of K.
What is the additional UG Axioms Metatheorem?
- Let ΛvA be a closed formula of K.
- Let c be a constant of K that…
a. does not occur in any in any proper axiom of K, and
b. does not occur in formula A. - Let K′ be the system that results from adding (Ac/v ⊃ ΛvA) as a proper axiom. [K′ is K + {(Ac/v ⊃ ΛvA)}.]
- If K is a consistent first order theory, then K′ is a consistent first order theory that is an extension of K.
When is a system closed?
A system S is closed iff for any formula A having just one free variable, if the result of substituting any closed term for that free variable v is a theorem of S, then ∧vA is a theorem too.
What is the closedness metatheorem?
If K is a consistent first order theory, then there is a first order theory that is a consistent, closed, negation-complete extension of K.
What is the Key Theorem?
(Metatheorem 45.15): Any consistent first order theory has a denumerable model.
What is the Lowenheim-Skolem Theorem?
(Metatheorem 45.18): Any first order theory that has a model has a denumerable model.
Is QS semantically complete?
Yes. (Metatheorem 46.1) shows us that every logically valid formula of Q is a theorem of QS.
What is the Alt-Key Theorem?
Metatheorem 45.16: Any consistent set of closed formulas of a first order theory has a denumerable model. This is equivalent to the Key Theorem (45.15).
What is Godel’s metatheorem 45.17?
Any consistent set of formulas of a first order theory is simultaneously satisfiable in a denumerable domain.
What is the compactness metatheorem?
If every finite subset of proper axioms of a first order theory K has a model, then K has a model. (See Hunter p.190 for a proof.)
Is QS strongly semantically complete?
What are the proper axioms for a first order theory with identity?
- QS= 1 Λx′F**′x′x′
- QS= 2 Every universal closure of (F**′x′x″ ⊃ (A⊃ A′)), where A and A′ are formulas of Q, and they are alike except that, in A′, x″ may replace all, or some (or none) of the free occurrences of x′ in A, provided that x″ is free for x′ in A
- QS= 1 is the reflexivity of identity; QS= 2 is Leibniz’s law (principle of the indistinguishability of identicals)
What is a normal interpretation?
I is a normal interpretation of Q iff I is an interpretation of Q that assigns to the predicate symbol F**′ the identity relation, defined on the domain of I.