Metaphysics Flashcards
Fire, water, earth, air are roots of all things
Love - together.
Strife- apart
Occarns razor
The simplest solutions are usually the best
Everything is made of plural substances
The pluralists
Pre socratics
First to reject the mythical and religious explanations
If you take away the physical form the shape of a circle is left
Only the concept of a circle
The discovery of form
Ionian, fire- embodiment of logos- analogy
Everything flows, nothing stands still
Fire represents balance
Heroclitus the obscure
First of Milesian monist- know thyself
The one thing according to Thales
Water - necessary for all living things, seems to be present in most things, seems to be everywhere in nature, can exist in three forms
All agree that there must be some substance that is one essence
The Ionians
Ionian, Air is the one thing, thick or thin
Soul is air, fire is thin air
Ionian, water and earth first to present idea of one God
Italian… Deductive reasoning- used senses
The way of truth- if there is any reality it must be only one
The way of opinion or seeming; the multiple changing of worldly appearances is an allusion to our senses
Parmenides of Elea
First atomic theory- infinite number of particles
Too small to be perceived by senses
Leucippus -and democratus
The problem of one and the many
Reality is one thing yet it appears as many. So how are they one thing?
Everything is essentially a number
Greek word for world
Ordered and rational- cosmologist
Mixture of infinite number of particles (seeds) there is a portion of everything in everything else
The mind- outside of material world- the omniscient
Italian…Numbers are spatial, one is a point, two is a line, three surface…
Belief that reality is one way, everything is reducible to a single thing
Ionian, apeiron- substance that is infinite and everything is formed from it
Leads to idea of balance of nature