Idealism/ Materialism Flashcards
Objective view
All things are made of minds but exist independent of our perception
Every event or decision is an inevitable consequences and independent of human will
John Locke and Duality (Imperialist)
The knower and the known
Ideas as the objective of knowledge: knower has the idea of the known in its head IDEAS
No mind
Are all experiences intellect and morality matter?
Belief and proof
The problem to solipsism and answer
All things don’t exist in minds as ideas, things so exist outside of minds
ANSWER- God; everything exists in our minds and independent of us in the mind of God
Mechanic materialism
Universe (including humans) and everything in it is machines
All thoughts are reducible to physical workings
Passivity of perception
You just see something, you don’t imagine it
We can conceive things we can’t experience
Mind is a mental substance, not only ideas
Makes God the author of evil
Dematerialization of matter
Matter is not what we once imagined at the subatomic level, and therefore at all levels
Psych of observable behaviors
George Berkeley
Irish Anglican priest
“To be is to be perceived”
For something to exist it has to be perceived
Belief in one reality, whose thoughts and perceptions and all other things depend on for existence
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Limitation of accuracy in the simultaneous observation of two observable- position and momentum
BF Skinner- Technology of Behavior
A manipulation of human behavior and transformation of values in accordance with evolutionary ideas
Denied free will and all human transcendence/free will should be discarded for the better of society