Porcelain-Metal Bonding Mechanisms:
Are the most popular restorations used in fixed prosthodontics
Requirements of alloys used for metal-ceramic restorations:
1-The coefficient of thermal expansion of porcelain and metal should be compatible,
2-The melting range temperature of the metal should be higher than fusing
temperature of porcelain by at least 170 to 280c.
- Porcelain used for metal ceramic have a fusing temperature of 980c for noble alloys
And melts at 1260c, for base metal ally melts at 1300c.
Basic requirements for dental porcelain used as veneering material ?
-Low fusing temperature than the melting range of cast metal substrate.
-Porcelain should resist devitrification
-Coefficient of thermal expansion should be slightly lower than metal by 1x10c
Method of construction
-platinum foil matrix of thickness(0.25mm-0.001mm) is adapted on the die Precisely, the ends of the foil folded together to form joint called Tanners Joint this joint placed either lingually or proximally.
The first layer applied on the die called……… which mask the
Color of the alloy and it responsible for the metal-ceramic bond .
1- opaque porcelain
Other layers:
2-Body (Dentin) porcelain , main bulk
3-Enamel (Incisal) porcelain , translucency to the final
There are three methods of porcelain condensation….
3-Brush or capillary attraction
This slight difference in
coefficients of thermal expansion will cause…
the porcelain to “draw” toward the
metal coping when the restoration cools after firing
Chemical bonding plays the major role in metal-ceramic bonding mechanisms, Which is indicated by the formation of ….
an oxide layer on the metal
Oxide-forming trace elements such as tin, indium, are added to gold alloys, these would migrate to the interface where they oxidize and form….
covalent or ionic bond
To similar oxides in the opaque porcelain layer across the interface.
principles of metal substrate design:
1-No sharp or acute angles:
-Sharp angles on the veneering surface should be avoided,
2-Adequate support to porcelain veneer
3-No occlusal contacts on porcelain/metal interface
creating rounded convex metal surface is important as it:
1-Eliminate areas of stress concentration
2-Distribute the occlusal force more evenly
3-Facilitates wetting of the metal substructure by the porcelain
Contact at porcelain/metal junction should be…… as it leads to porcelain……
avoided , Fracture
The junction should be placed away from all centric occlusal contacts by at…
1-1.5mm, to avoid metal flow and subsequent porcelain fracture.
N.B: Occlusal contacts against natural opposing teeth should be whenever possible in metal.
The minimum thickness of porcelain is…. the optimum thickness 0.1mm, the Maximum is …..
0.7 mm, 1.5mm