Metabolism: Lipoproteins Flashcards
Which lipoprotein has the highest protein:lipid ratio? the lowest?
high = HDL low = chylomicron
Describe the structure of a lipoprotein.
core = TAG and cholesterol esters
membrane = phospholipids and free cholesterol
peripheral apoproteins = exchangeable
integral apoproteins = indicative of lipoprotein type
Where are lipoproteins made? What is the difference between these kinds?
liver = endogenous synthesis of TAG, cholesterol intestines = dietary
What is the density of the lipoproteins referring to?
density of proteins
HDL = high protein content
hence, HDL is more negative
Compare the structures of chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, and HDL.
chylomicrons - largest; lots of TAG
VLDL - next largest; next amount of TAG
LDL - smaller; increase concentration of cholesterol esters:TAG
HDL - smallest; mostly cholesterol esters or free cholesterol
What are the reasons for HDL being better than LDL?
- HDL contains less TAG
- LDL is larger => plaque formation
- HDL fxn is to remove free cholesterols in the blood whereas LDL delivers cholesterol to peripheral tissues
- LDLs can be oxidize => plaque formation
- HDLs are atheroprotective b/c contain antioxidant enzyme to prevent LDL oxidation
What is the difference between chylomicron and chylomicron remnant function?
- chylomicrons transport dietary TAG from the intestine
- chylomicron remnants have exchanged TAG and sent CE to the HDL and deliver TAG to the liver
What changes about the contents of lipoproteins as you go from VLDL => IDL => LDL?
VLDL = mostly TAG LDL = more cholesterol
Where do VLDL/IDL/LDL deliver TAG and Cholesterol to?
VLDL => TAG to adipose, skeletal muscle, heart muscle,
IDL/LDL => Cholesterol to liver, macrophages, and peripheral cells
Describe the chylomicron:
- source
- main lipid
- integral apo
- function
- made in intestine
- mainly TAG
- B48
- transports dietary TAG to adipose and other tissues
Describe the chylomicron remnant.
- source
- main lipid
- integral apo
- function
- made after C2/E exchange with HDL
- B48
- delivers remaining dietary TAG to liver
- exchanges TAG for CE with HDL and delivers those to liver
Describe the VLDL.
- source
- main lipid
- integral apo
- function
- liver
- B100
- delivers endogenously synthesized lipids to adipose, heart, and skeletal muscle
- exchanges TAG for CE with HDL
Describe the IDL
- source
- main lipid
- integral apo
- function
- VLDL remnant; formed in circulation
- TAG and cholesterol
- B100
- delivers remaining TAG and cholesterol to liver
- exchanges TAG for CE with HDL
Describe LDL.
- source
- main lipid
- integral apo
- function
- IDL remnant; formed in circulation
- cholesterol
- B100
- delivers cholesterol to the liver and other steroidogenic cells
Describe HDL.
- source
- main lipid
- integral apo
- function
- made in the liver
- cholesterol
- A1
- accepts cholesterol from peripheral cells and esterifies it. returns CE to the liver
- exchanges its CE for TAG from other lipoproteins in circulation
- atheroprotective peroxonase antioxidant for LDL
- apoprotein reservoir