Metabolic Changes in DM Flashcards
describe T1DM
- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus/juvenile onset
- autoimmune destruction of B-cells in the islets of the pancreas, causing a reduciton in insulin secretion
- presents during adolescence
- patients need to be on life-long insulin
describe T2DM
- non-insulin dependent
- obesity is an important risk factor for dev. of T2D and insulin resistance
- target tissues for insulin (liver, muscle, adipose) do not respond to circulating insulin (insulin resistance) and there is a decrease in insulin secretion with time (B-cell dysfunction)
- usually respond to oral hypoglycemia agents
describe the mechanisms of hyperglycemia in T1 and T2 diabetes
why does gluconeogenesis occur in diabetics?
- the insulin/glucagon ratio is low (no insulin)
- key gluconeogenic enzymes are activated (induced)
- pyruvate carboxylase
- F1,6 BPase
- G6Pase
- amino acids from muscle proteolysis are used as well
- Glycolysis is inhibited in the liver
- glycogenesis is inactive in liver and muscle
explain the basis of glycosuria and polyuria
- in hyperglycemia, a large amount of glucose is filtered that exceeds the reabsorptive capacity of the tubule
- glucose is osmotically active (holds water) that results in polyuria/osmotic diuresis
describe the flowchart of problems caused by decreased secretion of insulin/insulin resistance
describe why ketosis occurs in T1D
- insulin deficiency results in uncontrolled adipose tissue lipolysis
- HSL is overactive due to low insulin/glucagon ratio makes HSL in the active, phosphorylated form
- this leads to an increase in free FA delivery to the liver
- increased rates of B-oxidation (active CPT-1 and increased free FAs) results in the formation of acetyl CoA that is used for ketone body synthesis
- ketogenesis in liver >>>> peripheral utilization of ketone bodies
explain the cause of metabolic acidosis
- excessive ketone bodies are excreted in the urine (ketonuria)
- increased formation of 3-HB and acetoacetate; ketone bodies are weak acids and bicarb levels fall since they are used for buffering the excessive protons produced (metabolic acidosis)
- increased anion gap
- compensation by the resp system = increased rate and depth of ventilation (hyperventilation) = Kussmaul breathing
describe effects of hyperglycemia
- elevated blood glucose levels leads to glycosuria which results in increased water loss –> dehydration -> stimulation of the thirst center
- coma is usually due to hyperglycemia (osmotic effect: water moves out of ICF resulting in neuronal dehydration) and is worsened by metabolic acidosis
describe changes in potassium levels in a diabetic
- insulin deficiency and acidosis result in a shift of potassium from the ICF to the ECF
- this results in loss of K in urine
- whole body K is reduced even though serum K is high
when insulin is injected during treatment, K moves back into the ICF
- since K reserves are low, patient is in danger of hypokalemia; may have to give K along with insulin
describe the hyperosmolar, hyperglycemia state in T2D
- most common in T2D, usually caused by infxn/acute illness which causes worsening of insulin resistance
- hyperglycemia: plasmua glucose levels are markedly elevated
- hyperosmolarity: osmolarity of blood is increased due to the high blood glucose levels (>320 mOsm/L)
- polyuria caused by excessive loss of water in urine
- low blood volume caused by polyuria
- ketone body prod. NOT significant
- patients have some insulin secretion which inhibits ketogenesis
explain the cause of a coma in hyperglycemia patients
- intracellular dehydration in the neurons, as ICF water moves into ECF
- high plasma osmolarity since glucose is osmotically active, which causes changes in hydration of neurons, which leads to neurological deficits and unconsciousness (coma)
what are chronic complications of diabetes?
- patients have a higher plasma glucose levels -> higher HbA1c levels
- microvascular: eyes, retina, neurons, kidney
- macrovascular: atherosclerosis
explain how sorbitol causes microvascular complications
- in the lens, nerve and kidney, sorbitol is formed by aldose reductase
- sorbitol is osmotically active and results in cell swelling due to water retention
describe the effect of advanced glycation end products (AGE)
- non-enzymatic addition of glucose to intracellular and extracellular proteins (process similar to formation of HbA1c)
glycation of proteins results in cross-linking of glycated proteins and altered function
- this leads to glomerular dysfunction, endothelial damages and changes in extracellular matrix
- AGE modified proteins are also more prone to oxidative damage
describe how AGE affects neurons, nephrons, endothelium
- AGEs alter metabolism and function of neuronal proteins
- AGEs bind to their receptors and cause release of proinflammatory molecules
- alteration of the glomerular basement membrane proteins of nephron – loss of albumin in urine (microalbuminuria)
- changes in endothelium – peripheral vascular disease
explain how dyslipidemia leads to macrovascular complications
- patients with T1 and T2D have hypertriglyceridemia (increased circulating triglycerides) = there is increased chylomicrons and VLDL in circulation
- due to decreased action of endothelial LPL (induced by insulin)