Digestion and Absorption Flashcards
describe digestion in the mouth
- starts with carbohydrate digestion by the enzyme salivary α-amylase that cleaves α1-4 glycosidic bonds of starch and glycogen and it forms branched oligosaccharides
- lingual lipase for ipid digestion is released in the oral cavity but is mainly swallowed
describe the purpose of HCl
- HCl denatures food for quicker digestion and also destroys pathogens
HCl alters the conformation of pepsinogen in order for it to cleave itself, producing the active protease pepsin (autocatalytic activation)
- pepsin is an endopeptidase and cleaves peptide bonds within a protein chain
- pepsin has a optimum pH of 2
describe the digestion in the stomach
- carb digestion stopped due to denatured salivary α-amylase
- protein and lipid digesiton start in the stomach due to acid-stable enzymes
- pepsin degrades proteins to large peptides
lingual and gastric lipases degrade TAGs with medium-chain FAs (long chain FA degraded later)
- medium-chain FAs go directly to the liver and available for energy metabolism
- does not need bile salts/pancreatic enzymes
describe the purpose of secretin and CCK
- released from endocrine cells of the duodenum when the acidic chyme reaches
secretin leads to secretion of bicarb and water from the pancreas
- bicarb used to change the acidic pH to a neutral pH in duodenum
- CCK leads to release of pancreatic enzymes and bile into the duodenum
describe cholecystokinin
- activates release of bile from gallbladder
- inhibits gastric motility which allows neutralization of the acidic chyme that entered the duodenum
- activates enteropeptidase in the duodenum
- activates secretion of pancreatic enzymes, zymogens ad proteins
describe the activation of pancreatic zymogens
- trypsinogen is released by the pancreas and is activated to trypsin after it reaches the lumen of the duodenum
- this separation prevents pancreatic damage since trypsin is a powerful protease that activates all other pancreatic zymogens
what does trypsin activate?
- zymogens to active enzymes
- proenzymes to active enzymes
- lipid digestion:
- procolipase to colipase (protein, not an enzyme)
- prophospholipase A2 to phospholipase A2
describe where in the sequence pancreatic proteases cleave proteins
- trypsin: cleaves after arg/lys residues
- chymotrypsin: cleaves after bulky/aromatic residues
- elastase: cleaves after glycine, alanine, serine residues
- carboxypeptidase A or B (exopeptidases) cleave amino acids from the carboxyl-end
which pancreatic enzymes are cleaved after dietary proteins are digested?
- pancreatic lipase
- pancreatic α-amylase
- pancreatic phospholipase A2
- all formed amino acids are taken up into the intestinal mucosal cells
- the final uptake of amino acids is larger than the intake of dietary amino acids (dietary AAs + digestive AAs)
describe the absorption of dietary amino acids
- the uptake of dietary amino acids is performed by secondary active transport with cotransport of sodium ions
- the trasporters are specific for a group of amino acids which can be overlapping
- the release into the portal vein is by facilitated transport
describe the big picture of digestion and absorption of carbs
describe the oligo- and disaccharide digestion by brush border enzymes
describe carb digestion in the small intestine
- pancreatic α-amylase acts on polysaccharides and oligosaccharides (which were formed in the mouth by salivary α-amylase) to generate: maltose, isomaltose and some small oligo-saccharides (dextrin)
- these sugars are finally degraded to glucose by the sucrase-isomaltase complex as well as by maltase-glucoamylase
- enzymatic degradation of dietary disaccharides:
- sucrase degrades sucrose to glucose and fructose
- lactase degrades lactose to glucose and galactose
describe lactose intolerance
- lactose intolerant individuals cannot properly digest lactose in the small intestine and lactose passes into the large intestine
bacteria degrade lactose to osmotically active compounds resulting in large volumes of hydrogen has and CO2 which causes abdominal cramps, diarrhea and flatulence
- the osmotic diarrhea results from water coming from the mucosal cells that enters the lumen of the large intestine
describe congenital lactase deficiency
- lactase activity is normally the highest after birth
- congenital lactase deficiency leads to severe osmotic diarrhea and dehydration in the baby
- the baby cries due to painful bloating
- these neonates need lactose-free formula
describe primary lactose intolerance
- the amount of lactase is strongly reduced (this is normal) at about 7 years of age in the majority of humans
describe secondary lactose intolerance
- can occur due to loss or damage of intestinal mucosal cells (food poisoning)
- severe diarrhea or gastroenteritis due to rotavirus can lead to intestinal injury
- Celiac disease is immune-mediated causing damage to the intestinal mucosa in response to gluten (protein in grains)
describe the absorption of dietary sugars
- the absorption of dietary glucose and galactose is performed by SGLT-1
- SGLT-1 uses secondary active transport and cotransport with Na ions
- dietary fructose enters the intestinal mucosal cells via facilitated transport by GLUT-5
- all 3 monosaccharides are released by facilitated transport by GLUT-2 into the portal vein
describe the big picture of DNA and RNA digestion and absorption
describe the overview of lipids
describe the main functions of bile
- transport of free cholesterol and conjugated bilirubin from the liver into the duodenum for eventual release of free cholesterol in feces
- delivery of conjugated bile salts and phosphotidylcholine to the small intestine for emulsification of dietary lipids for digestion
- formation of mixed micelles for uptake of dietary lipids into the intestinal mucosal cells
- release of 5% of bile salts into feces
contrast bile acids and bile salts
- 2 differences:
- A negative charge is needed for the hepatic ABC transporter
- the conjugation of bile acids with glycine or taurine changes the pKa to 4 or 2, respectively
- improves emulsification of dietary fat in the intestines
- A negative charge is needed for the hepatic ABC transporter
explain the difference between a primary and secondary bile acid
primary bile acids are synthesized only in the liver which uses free cholesterol
- cholic acid
- chenodeoxycholic acid
secondary bile acids are formed by modification of primary bile acids by bacteria in the ileum
- deoxycholic acid
- lithocholic acid
list the steps of bile production process in the liver
- synthesizes primary bile acids from free cholesterol (cholesterol 7-α-hydroxylase)
- conjugates primary or secondary bile acids with glycine or taurine
- releases conjugated bile salts and free cholesterol into the bile canaliculi via the ABC-transporter
describe pancreatic lipase
pancreatic lipase is secreted with procolipase by the pancreas and reaches the duodenum
- procolipase is cleaved to colipase in the duodenum by trypsin
- digestion of dietary triacylglycerols by pancreatic lipase needs release of bile salts stimulated by CCK
pancreatic lipase is not synthesized as a zymogen
- it cannot act in the healthy pancreatic cells since the substrate (TAGs), bile salts and colipase are not present
the special _____ pathway of _____ synthesis is found in ______ cells
the special MAG pathway of TAG synthesis is found in intestinal mucuosal cells
- pancreatic lipase forms MAG and 2 fatty acyl CoAs which can be directly linked to form TAGs
- TAGs and cholesteryl ester and lipid soluble vitamins are released inside of chylomicrons into the lymph
describe the fate of chylomicrons in the body
describe 3 possible causes of steatorrhea
- lack of conjugated bile salts
- due to liver damage including liver cirrhosis or bile duct obstruction by gallstones or tumor
- defects related to pancreatic juice
- deficiency of enzymes, lack of transport of enzymes into the intestines like seen in CF or lack of bicarb secretion which would impair pH adjustment in duodenum
- defective mucosal cells related to uptake of nutrients
- a shortened bowel could also lead to steatorrhea