Met: PBL 1 (Coeliac Disease) Flashcards
What is haematocrit?
Ratio of erythrocytes to total blood volume
What is mean corpuscular volume (MCV)?
The average volume of red blood cells
What is ferritin?
Protein which stores iron in the tissues
What is folate?
A B vitamin vital in the synthesis of fatty acids
What is the role of alkaline phosphatase?
Dephosphorylates molecules
What is the role of zonulin?
Acts to disassemble the actin filament associated with tight junctions; enteric bacteria and gliadin are the most potent stimulators
What is a low haemoglobin level indicative of?
What is a low haematocrit level indicative of?
Few red blood cells in the blood volume and therefore anaemia
What are low ferritin levels indicative of?
Iron-deficiency as this protein is involved in the storage of iron
What is a high MCV indicative of?
Macrocytic anaemia - implicated in folate or B12 deficiency anaemia
Why may someone with coeliac disease have a low serum calcium level?
Unable to absorb enough calcium in the small intestine due to the absence of villi (blunting)
What is the consequence of being unable to absorb enough calcium (as implicated in coeliac disease)?
Bones will be undergoing degradation to increase serum calcium levels, and if there is insufficient calcium to facilitate calcium deposition by osteoblasts then bone will be gradually degraded leading to weak bones as seen in Rickets/Osteomalacia
What is the relationship between serum phosphate and serum calcium?
As one rises, the other one falls
What is the role of serum phosphate?
Controls osteocytes and osteoblast’s apoptosis so is regulatory in the process of bone degradation
What symptoms may low folate levels cause?
Fatigue, depression, pins and needles