Mesopotamia Flashcards
An adjective used to describe a group of who’s language has the same root
A monuments in style small or large that contained writing or pictures to comemorate or record something
Roughly from 3000-1200BCE when stone was replaced by bronze ore
Someone who specializes crafting an object from raw materials
When human society has advanced to share elements of government, architecture, government, etc. (ities, governments, religions, writing, arts, and social structure)
Paleolithic Era
The early part of the stone age when early human beings made chipped stone tools
Greek for old stone
Tools, pottery, paintings, weapons, buildings, and household items left behind by early peoples
Neolithic Revolution
The latest period of the stone age charactersised by the development of systematic agriculture and the use of polished stone tools and weapons
A temple in Mesopotamia with a distinctive stepped shape and stored commodities given as offerings
People lived and worked there
Votive Statutes
Small devontial statues Sumerians left in Ziggurat to appease Gods
Systematic Agricultural
The keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis
To take over a position without legal right
Mesolithic Age
The middle age/period of the stone age, between paleolithic and neolithic
Supplying water to agriculutural land by artificial means
Food/goods produced that are not needed for survival and are available to barter/sell
This leads to specialization which leads to a barter economy
A government under control of religious leaders
Sculpture in which the carving projects slightly from background
Several lands joined together under one ruler called and emperor
The study of human life and culture
Someone who writes
Usually a revered position in ancient society
Royal Standard of Ur
An artifact fromt he Royal Graves of Ur
Contained pictures useful to scholars
A remnant of an organism from a past geologic era that was preserved in the crust
The worship of many Gods
Radiocarbon Dating
A method of dating organic remains based off their content of c-14 (Carbon 14 isotope)
Humans and other human like creatures that can/could walk upright
The earliest human like creature that lived in Europe and Southern Africa 3 to 4 million years ago
The time before writing was developed
A ruler who is king or queen
Dominance or control
When a powerful country has influence over aregion
An epic story of King Gilgamesh who searched for immortality
A Sumerian legend believed to be the first story
When rule of a country or empire passes down throught a family from one generation to another
To make someone a God
Cylinder Seals
Small decorated cylinder rolled onto damp clay to leave an impression to seal a deal
Equivalent to a signature
Wedge shaped writing, “first writing” done with a stylus on a damp clay tablet preserved by the sun
Poems/stories that tell deed of great heroes
The study of past societes through an analysis of what they left behind
Homo sapiens sapiens
Wise, wise humans
Appeared in africa 150,000-200,000 years ago
The first anatomically modern humans
Out of Africa Theory
Also called “replacement” theory
Theory refers to when Homo sapiens sapiens appeared and began spreading out of Africa
About 100,000 years ago
They eventually replaced eralier hominid populations in Europe and Asia
City State
A city and possibly the surrounding agricultural area that is also an independent political unit
Iron Age
After 1,000BCE when iron in tools and weapons became common
The adaptation for human use (usually of animals)
Homo erectus, anatomically similar, hominid, australopithecus