Meridian Handbook of Myth Flashcards
Euboean tribe; named for Abas; colonized cities in Ionia. Asia Minor
king of Argos; son of Lynceus and Hypermnestra; married Aglaea; Acrisius and Proetus were sons
son of Hermes and Opus; Heracles left him to guard the Mares of Diomedes, he was eaten by them
city on Asian side of Hellespont; sided with Troy; home of Leander
Acacallis or Acalle
Daughter of Minos and Pasiphae; banished by her follow for becoming pregnant by Apollo; Had Amphithemis/Garamas; Also had other sons (Cydon, Miletus)
Son of Theseus and Phaedra; sent to Kind Elephenor in Euboea with Demophon; married Phyllis
son of Alceon and Callirrhoe
King of Iolcus; Only son of Pelias; went with Argonauts; participated in Calydonian boar hunt1
A king of Eryx, in Western Sicily; son of a Trojan and Crinisus
son of Xuthus; brother was Ion
Companion of Aeneas
river in southwestern Greece; he fought Hercules for the hand of Deianeira; father of Sirens
river in Underworld; represented pain
sailor who tried to fight Dionysus and was spared from turning into a dolphin
son of Abas and Aglaea; shared the kingdom to Argos with his brother Proeteus
son of Aristaeus and Atonoe; turned into stag for seeing Artemis bathing; killed by his own dogs
Acte or Actea
the original name for Attica
Actor (1)
son of Deion and Diomede; father of Aegina, Menoetius (argonaut), Patroclus
Actor (2)
son of Phorbas and Hyrmina; brother of Augeias; father of Cteatus and Eurytus
Acter (3)
An argonaut; son of Hippasus
Actor (4)
king of Phthia; son of Myrmidon and Peisidice; welcomed Peleus to Phthia and left him to rule
king of Pherae; son of Pheres; went on the Calydonian boar hunt and was an argonaut; helped Jason usurp the throne from Pelias; Apollo favored him and made all of his cows have twins
Admetus and Alcestis
Admetus won the hand of Alcestis, Pelias’ daughter, thru Apollo, because Apollo yoked a boar and a lion for him; bore him Eumelus; he was very ill and was told his death would be delayed if he found an alternate; Alcestis sacrificed herself but Heracles wrestled Thanatos to get Alcestis back
son of Cinyras or Theias and his dauther Myrrha; emerged from a myrrh tree; loved by Aphrodite and Persephone; spent half the year in Hades and the other above ground; he was gored by a boar while hunting; the red anemone sprung from his blood
nymph on the Cretan Mount Ida; daughter of Melissus; received Zeus when he was an infant; fed him milk from the goat Adrasteia and gave him a ball; she was aided by Idaea and Curetes
Adrastus (1)
king of Argos and leader of the 7 Against Thebes; son of Talaus and Lysimache; bore two Aegialeus and Cyanippus and three daughters Argeia, Deipyle, and Aegialeia by his niece Amphithea; became king of Sicyon after Polybus; rode Arion (saved him during the 7 Against Thebes); died at Megara of grief and old age
Adrastus (2)
Son of Polyneices and Argeia; one of the Epigoni
first king of Aegina; son of Zeus and Aegina; he asked for companions from his father because he was alone on an island; changed ants into people (called the Myrmidons)
island home of Circe
king of Colchis; son of Helios and Perse; brother of Pasiphae and Circe; father Medea, Absyrtus and Iophassa
king of Athens; father of Theseus; didn’t have any heirs after his first two wives; went to the oracle and then a friend King Pittheus; Pittheus set him up with his daughter Aethra and she bore Theseus; married Medea
Daughter of Adrastus and Amphithea; married Diomedes; committed adultery with Cometes
Aegialus (1)
son of Inachus and Melia; said to have founded the land of the Sicyonians
Aegialeus (2)
the eldest son of Adrastus and Amphithea; the only leader of the Epigoni to die; killed by Laodamas
king of the Dorians; gave part of his land to Heracles descendants in return for Heracles’ help
daughter of Asopus; seduced by Zeus and bore Aeacus; Hera killed Aegina leaving Aeacus unprotected on Oenone
son of Thyestes by his daughter Pelopia; killed Atreus; seduced Clytemnestra after Agamemnon left; fathered Erigone; Orestes killed him
king of Egypt; he was a twin son of Belus and Anchonoe; his twin brother Danaus had his daughters kill Aegyptus’ sons
son of Crethus and Tyro; his half-brother seized the throne of Iolchis even though he was supposed to have it; his wife Alcimide bore Jason
the herald of the Argonauts; son of Hermes and Eupolemeia; his only deed was persuading the Lemnian women to permit the Argonauts to stay the night
son of Zeus an Protogeneia
king of Tegea in Arcadia; son of Ancaeus; fought in the Trojan War; founded the city of Paphos after the war
king of Elis
daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia; bore Pentheus to Echion; sister of Autonoe, Ino, and Semele; she and her sisters tore Pentheus into pieces
Agenor (1)
king of a Tyre or Sidon; son of Libya and Poseidon; married Telephassa who bore Europa, Cadmus, Phoenix, Cilix, Phineus, and Thasus
Agenor (2)
king of Argos; son of Ecbasus and father of Panoptes;
Agenor (3)
another name for Andromeda’s betrothed who was killed by Perseus
Agenor (4)
son of Pleuron and Xanthippe; married Epicaste
Agenor (5)
son of Antenor; bravest of the Trojan soldiers; dueled Achilles for the safety of the Trojans
daughter of Martineus and mother by Abas of the twins Acrisius and Proetus
Agraulus or Aglaurus (1)
daughter of Actaeus; married Cecrops and bore Erysichthon, Agraulus, Herse, Pandrosus