Merchant's Tale Flashcards
“We wedded men liven in sorwe and care”
Merchant, Marriage
“Of myn owene soore, For soory herte, I telle may namoore
Marriage, Religion
“Wedlock is so esy and so clene, That in this world it is a paradis”
Marriage, Religion
“A wyf is Goddes yifte verraily;”
Marriage, Religion
“Preying oure Lord to grauten him that he Mighte ones knowe of thilke blisful lyf That is bitwixe an housbonde and his wyf”
“A wif axeth full many observaunce”
“Love wel thy wyf, as Christ loved in his chirche”
“Withouten wo and stryf, That I shal have myn hevene in erthe heere”
“So wisly God my soule bringe in blisse”
Merchant Description
“With forked berd”
The Merchant (Chaucer Shade)
“Sooth to seyn, I noot how men him calle”
Januarie Background
“sixty yeer a wyflees man was hee”
Januarie Age
“Myn herte and alle my lymes been as grene As laurer thurgh the yeer is for to sene”
Januarie (Misgivings)
“It is an heigh corage Of any man that stapes is in age To take a young wif”
Januarie creepiness (May sympathy)
“And seyde hir clothes dide him encombraunce And she obeyeth, be hire lief or looth”
May Description
“Unto som mayde fair and tendre of age”
May full description
“Hir fresshe beautee and hir age tendre, Hir middel smal, hire armes longer and sklendre”
May Cravings
“I moste han of the peres that I see, Or I moot die”
May excuses
“As me was taught, to heele with youre eyen, Was no thing bet, to make yow see, Than struggle with a man upon a tree.”
“His conseil sholde passe his lordes wit”
“It is an heigh corage Of any man that stapen is in age To take a yong wif; by my fader kin, Youre herte hangeth on a joly pin!”
Damyan letter
“in secrees wise his puts and eek his bille, in which that he ywriten jade his wille”
Damyan wealth
“Though he namoore hadde than his sherte”
Damyan sexiness
“He swyved thee, I saugh it with myne yen”
Damyan- visual
“Lo where he sit, the lechour, in the tree”