Merchant Of Venice Essay Plans(FOR LIT PAPER 2) Flashcards
Presentation of shylock points
Craves revenge
Shylock presented as dangerous?
“I will be assured as I may”-anadiplosis
“I will feed the anchient grudge I bear him”-zoomorphism
“Ships are but ships, men are but sailors”-mesodiplosis
Shylock presented as craving revenge?
“It will feed my revenge”-zoomorphism
“I would have my daughter dead at my foot”-emotive language
“If every part of six thousand ducats were in six parts and every part a ducat, I would not draw them. I’ll have my bond”hyperbole,+euphemism+imagrey
Shylock presented as ambitious?
“I’ll have my bond”-Euphemism
“He lends out money gratis”-antithesis
“No power in the son of man may alter me”-Christian connotations(Reader’s reaction)
Shylock presented as broken?
“Hath not a jew eyes, affections,organs passions”-pathos
“Foot me as you would a cur”-simile
“Laughed at my loses, marked at my gains”-juxtaposition
What is Antonio presented as?
- sad
- racist
- in love with Bassanio
Antonio presented as sad?
- “I am to learn”-pathos
- “mine a sad one”-pathos
“I hold the world but as the world Gratiano”-mesodiplosis
Antonio presented as racist
- “to spit on thee again, to spurn thee too”-mesodiplosis
- “much kindness in the Jews”-emotive language
Antontio presented as in love with Bassanio?
“Give me your hand Bassanio”-symbolises marriage
“Let him have the ring, let his deservings and his love withal”-anaphora
“I once did lend my body for Bassanio’s sake”-sexual connotations
What is Portia presented as?(points)
- innocent
- powerful
- educated
Portia presented as innocent?
“Direction of a maiden’s eyes”-emotive language + sexual connotations
“Little body aweary of this great world”-pathos +antithesis
Portia presented as powerful?
“There is no power in Venice that can alter a decree established”-emotive language
“Shed one drop of Christian blood and your lands are by the law of Venice confiscate”-Euphemism
Portia presented as educated?
“I remember him well and I remember him worthy of thy praise”-anaphora
“We’ll see our husbands before they think of us”- proleptic irony(foreshadowing)
“We must measure twenty miles a day”-specific distances(writer’s intention-shows what is going on)
Presentation of Bassanio? Points?
Bassanio presented as unintelligent?
“May you stead me, will you pleasure me? Shall I know your answer?-desperate
Themes: presentation of love and friendship points?
- Bassanio and Antonio(father-son)
- Bassanio and Portia(sexual)
- Shylock and money(+lack of love)
Themes: presentation of love and friendship:
Bassanio and Antonio?
Father/son love
- “to wind about my love with circumstance”
- “to shoot another arrow”-pathos +symbolism
- “I owe you much”-litotes (and pathos to persuade Antonio)
Themes: presentation of love and friendship
“Bassanio and Portia”?
“Sweet Portia”-possesive adjective
Themes: presentation of love and friendship
Shylock’s lack of love and friendship(causes him to be angry)
“I would have my daughter dead at my foot”-emotive language
“six thousand ducats well”-anadiplosis
“I’ll have my bond”-euphemism
Themes: presentation of love and friendship mercy points?
- a christian quality
- Portia’s character is used to persuade Shylock to be merciful
- Shylock receives racial injustice(the opposite of mercy)
Themes: presentation of justice/mercy:
-A christan quality”
- “king”-epistrophe + common noun
- “throned”-adjective
- “I’ll have my bond”-Euphemism
Themes: presentation of love and friendship justice /mercy
Portia’s character is used to try and persuade Shylock
Speaks in Iambic Pentamiter
“Attribute to God himself”-Christian connotations
“Feeds his revenge”zoomorphism
“It is”-anaphora
Themes: presentation of mercy/justice
Shylock receiving racial injustice?
“Jew”-racial profiling
“Anchient grudge”-emotive language
“Laughed at my loses marked at my gains”-mesodiplosis