Mental Health Committee Flashcards
What are challenges facing children with untreated ADHD? (6)
- School difficulties2. Low self-esteem3. Family stress4. Psychiatric comorbidities5. Poor social skills –> social isolation6. Poor peer/sibling relationships
What behavioural condition are children with repaired congenital heart disease at risk of?
Among persons with known structural CHD, sudden death is associated with which two specific conditions?
- Tetralogy of fallot2. Transposition of the great arteries
What is the risk of sudden death of children on ADHD medications compared to children in the general population?
SAME risk!
What screening questions should be asked to identify potential cardiac risk factors for sudden death among children starting stimulant medication?-if yes to any of these questions, what is your next management step?
- Shortness of breath with exercise? 2. Decreased exercise tolerance?3. Fainting or seizures with exercise, startle or fright4. Palpitations brought on by exercise5. Family history of sudden or unexplained death: -SIDS-unexplained drowning-unexplained motor vehicle accidents6. Personal or family history of nonischemic heart disease7. Long QT syndrome or other familial arrhythmias8. Wolf Parkinson White syndrome9. Cardiomyopathy10. Heart transplant11. Pulmonary hypertension12. Implantable defibrillator-next management step if yes: consult cardiology
What is the recommendation on whether you should obtain an ECG prior to or during ADHD medication therapy?
If the history, family history and physical exam are all normal, there is no indication to perform an ECG
For patients with known congenital heart disease or arrhythmias, are they are increased risk of sudden death with ADHD medications?
Keep in mind that in certain patients with known congenital heart disease (ie. TOF or transposition), there is already an increased risk of sudden cardiac death.-however, ADHD medications do NOT raise the risk of sudden death further (no evidence that shows this)
What is the Feingold diet in ADHD management?
An “alternative” therapy in ADHD management where a salicylate and additive-free diet is pursued-multiple controlled studies showed that this was not effective
How effective is elimination of food allergens in the managment of ADHD?-what foods are commonly implicated?
Double-blind, placebo controlled food allergen challenge studies showed some improvement in behaviour:-Appropriate elimination diets are more likely to improve behaviour in younger children with:1. Atopic histories2. Family history of migraine3. Family history of food reactivity-common foods: milk, nuts, fish, wheat, soy, additives
How effective is the elimination of sugar and aspartame from the diet in treating ADHD?-what about The Yeast Connexion?
No effect! Many studies have shown no causality between dietary sucrose or aspartame on children’s behaviour-yeast connexion: postulates that chronic candidasis and candida toxin production = antifungal agents and a diet free of any sugar source that could promote yeast growth and any foods made with or contaminated by molds and yeast (eg. bread, cheese, processed foods, dried fruits) = NOT scientifically validated
Is there scientific evidence to support the following in ADHD treatment?-megavitamin therapy-iron-magnesium-vitamin B6-zinc-essential fatty acids
-megavitamin therapy: NO! double-blind, placebo controlled, study showed NO improvement-iron: NO!-magnesium: NO! One small study showed behavioural improvement but only one study-vitamin B6: NO! Again only one study showed an improvement-Zinc: NO!-essential fatty acids: NO! three blinded placebo controlled studies on essential fatty acid supplementation with evening primrose oil and fish oil showed NO behavioural improvement!
What are nootropics used in alternatives therapies for ADHD? (2)
Substances reported to enhance mental competence1. Piracetam = thought to enhance dopamine and noreadenaline transmission-no controlled studies to date 2. Deanol: acetylcholine precursor-double blind placebo controlled study showed improved ADHD comparable to methylphenidate BUT the study quality was poor!!
What is the evidence behind use of valerian in improving ADHD?-most worrisome possible side effect?
In adults, valerian has been shown to be more effective than placebo in clinical randomized trials for improving sleep disorders and insomnia-no studies in children-most common side effects: GI upset and headache but most worrisome possible side effect is in people with Grave’s disease due to inhibiton of thyroid hormones
What is auditory stimulation in ADHD alternative therapy?
Tomatis method of sound training = based on hypothesis that focus and attention can be improved with a combination of auditory stimulation and listening training, using human voice and classical music…no controlled studies to date.
What is the role of biofeedback in treatment of ADHD?-what about hypnotherapy?
May be offered in cases where medication is not suitable:1. Poor response2. Significant side effects3. Parental and/or child refusal-involves substantial commitment from the child and the family however-hypnotherapy may be helpful in decreasing anxiety/stress related to ADHD; most helpful when integrated into multimodal treatment context. No studies have shown that it improves ADHD symptoms but does improve sleep disturbance or tics
Why has kava been banned?
Too many side effects!-Causes muscle weakness, rash, weight loss, increased HDL, hematuria, necrotizing hepatitis when combined with other herbs
What are side effects associated with use of blue-green algae in alternative therapy for ADHD?
Gastrointestinal symptoms, weakness, numbness, tingling-blue green algae can produce toxins AND be contaminated with animal feces, heavy metals, sewage
What are possible side effects of melatonin?
- Possible suppression of puberty2. Proconvulsant effects in children with neurological disabilities3. Headache/fatigue/irritability/sleepiness
What are the clinical features of postpartum blues?-timing?-how long does it last?
Emotional disturbance with crying, confusion, mood lability, anxiety and depressed mood-appear during the first week postpartum-lasts few hours to few days
What are the clinical features of postpartum psychosis?-timing?
Severe disorder with delusions, hallucinations, gross impairment in functioning-begins within 4 weeks postpartum
What are the clinical features of postpartum depression?-how does the severity of symptoms compare with episodes of depression at other times?
Symptoms of depression (YOU KNOW THIS) that are present for at least one month and result in impairment of woman’s functioning-can last several months-compared with depression at other times, usually have more mild symptoms
What are risk factors for postpartum depression? (3)
- Family history of psychiatric disorders2. Depression symptoms during the pregnancy3. History of mood disorders
What are the prenatal consequences of maternal depression? (6)
- Inadequate prenatal care2. Poor nutrition3. Higher preterm birth4. Low birth weight5. Preeclampsia6. Spontaneous abortion
What are the consequences of maternal depression on infants? (5)
Depends if mom has hostile vs. withdrawn affect1. Lower cognitive performance2. Passivity3. Withdrawal4. Self-regulatory behaviour (ie. sucking on thumb)5. Dysregulated attention and arousal6. Internalize an angry and protective style of coping
What are the consequences of maternal depression on toddlers? (5)
- Passive noncompliance2. Less mature expression of autonomy3. Internalizing and externalizing problems4. Lower interaction5. Less creative play
True or false: boys are more sensitive than girls to the effects of postpartum depression in their mother.
True! May develop poorer cognitive functioning as a result
True or false: there is no association between ADHD in children and maternal mental health
What are factors that may exacerbate parental depression? (6)
- Marital conflict2. Stressful life events3. Limited social support4. Poverty5. Lower socioeconomic status6. Lower maternal education
True or false: infants of depressed mothers interacted better with their nondepressed fathers who could “buffer” the effects of the mother’s depression on infant interaction behaviour
What are sources of resiliency in children with depressed parents?
Easy-going, robust temperament making them less vulnerable to their depressed parents’ negative behaviour-good social and cognitive skills that help them receive positive attention from adults other than their depressed parents. Also helps reduce their depressed parent’s feeling of noncompetence and rejection-ability to understand that they are not to blame for the parent’s illness-related behaviour
What should the selection of an antidepressant for prenatal or postpartum depression be based on?
- Previous response to antidepressants2. Experience of adverse effects3. Risk of interactions with concurrent meds4. Published adverse effects associated with breastfeeding
How can you reduce infant’s exposure to SSRIs in a mother who is taking SSRIs while breastfeeding?
Pump and dump approximately 8-9 hrs after the mother has taken the medication
A school-age child in your practice has a depressed mother. To decrease the negative effects on the child, what can you recommend?
- Family therapy to improve resiliency in the child and help the family focus on communication about the illness2. Psychotherapy for the depressed parent
Can St. John’s wort be used during pregnancy?
No data on reproductive safety so DO NOT recommend as safe therapy during pregnancy