Mental Health Act Flashcards
Section 2 - Description
“Assessment Order”
- Sectioned up to 28 days
- Allows for full assessment in psychiatric settinbg
Section 2 - Requirements
- Signed by 2 doctors + 1 social worker
- Examined by doctors within 5 days of each other
- Known to at least 1 of the doctors
Section 2 - Restrictions + Allowances
- Treatment can be given
- Cannot be renewed
- 2 doctors can’t be employed by same organisation
Section 3 - Description
“Treatment Order”
- Sectioned for up to 6 months
Section 3 - Requirements
- Consent of nearest relative required
- Category of Mental Illness must be stated
- After three months: patient consent/3rd clinician required to continue treatment
Section 3 - Restrictions + Allowances
- Can be renewed
- Treatment can be given up to 3 months
Section 4 - Description
“Emergency Order”
- Admission for emergency treatment
- Up to 72 hours
- Can be converted to section 2 once in hospital
Section 4 - Requirements
- Signed by 1 doctor + 1 social worker
Section 4 - Restrictions + Allowances
- Cannot give treatment against patient’s will
Section 5 - Description
“Compulsory Detention”
- Detain patients who have come to hospital voluntarily
Section 135 - Description
In-House ‘arrest’
- Police officer may enter property and remove patient to ‘place of safety’
Section 135 - Reqirements
- Social worker must obtain a warrant
Section 135 - Restrictions + Allowances
- Can use force if need be
- Cannot treat against patient’s will
Section 136 - Description
In-Public ‘arrest’
- Police officer may remove patient from public space to ‘place of safety’
Section 136 - Requirements
- Warrant NOT required