Mental Health Flashcards
What is ‘Trepanning’?
Positive & Negative?
Making a hole in the human skull to let out bad spirits.
People were starting to get that madness was due to something within the brain.
Bad spirits do not exist and also unethical.
What did Thomas Szasz believe
Psychiatry was a false science and compared it to religion. He said that mental illness was a metaphor and was nothing to do with the brain. A mental illness is a bodily/physical illness/disease.
It used to be viewed as a mental illness, however in 1973 it was removed from the DSM. This suggests that mental illnesses are socially constructed.
Something to do with the physical body and not the mind.
Excess of deficiency in four distinct bodily fluids known as humours (black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood) influenced health. Therefore they had to be kept at a proper balance. This was believed until the late 19th century.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.
The official classification of psychological disorders and illnesses published by the American Psychological Association.
ICD -10
ICD - 10 is the 10th version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Mental Health Problems. It is a medical classification list by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
“Mental illness can be accurately diagnosed, successfully treated, just as a physical illness.” - Bill Clinton
The definitions for the majority of mental illnesses have been consistently altered in both the DSM and the ICD over the years meaning that some mental illnesses cannot be accurately diagnosed. Furthermore, physical and mental illnesses are completely different. Physical illnesses are often able to be cured whereas mental illnesses are not. Medication tends to just hide the symptoms of the mental illness rather than curing it.
Problems with subjectivity in terms of viewing mental illnesses
- Low validity in diagnosis - Needs to be standardised with a book.
- Misdiagnosis = Self-fulfilling prophecy, side effects to unneeded meds, not getting needed treatment…
- Creates mistrust in the medical profession
- “Mental illness is in the eye of the beholder” - Thomas Szasz.
Type 1 error
False positive. Eg; saying someone has something when they do not.
Type 2 error
False negative. Eg: saying someone does not have something when they do.
What are anxiety disorders?
Categories of mental disorders characterised by feelings of anxiety and fear. Eg: OCD, panic disorder, PTSD, social anxiety disorder, …phobia.
What are affective disorders?
They’re a set of psychiatric diseases also known as mood disorders. Eg: depression, bi-polar, cyclothymia.
What are psychotic disorders?
They are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and perceptions. People with a psychotic disorder often lose touch with reality and two of the main symptoms are delusions and hallucinations. Eg: Schizophrenia
Assumptions of the medical (biological) approach to mental illness
- All behaviour is the result of something inside of the body (nature over nurture) such as: brain chemistry (hormones, neurotransmitters), brain structure (anatomy), genetics (heredity). (REDUCTIONIST)
- All behaviour is determined by factors beyond the individual’s control, therefore it is not their fault as we cannot control our genetic makeup. (DETERMINISTIC)
- Individual’s cannot change their behaviour without help from a doctor. (Less pressure on themselves to get better as it’s in the doctor’s hands BUT as they’re lacking independence they may feel useless.)