Mental Health Flashcards
a sickness or illness
She suffered from a chronic back ailment.
of or relating to the mind
psychological anguish
containing poisonous substances
a toxic work environment
causing a very large amount of damage
The school is concerned about the destructive behavior of a few students.
a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way
Many people suffer from clinical depression for years before being diagnosed.
fear or nervousness about what might happen
She suffers from chronic/acute anxiety.
a person trained in methods of treating illnesses especially without the use of drugs or surgery
He saw his therapist [=psychotherapist] regularly when he was going through his divorce.
a disastrous collapse or breakdown
After a long day at the beach, our toddler had a major meltdown in the car on the way home.
to feel very worried or anxious or to make (someone) feel very worried or anxious
to be stressed out
Work is stressing him out.
used to describe something that is so confusing, difficult, etc., that you feel unable to do it
She found the job overwhelming at first.
not acceptable to talk about or do
Mental health is a taboo subject for many people.
the feeling of being overwhelmed by the constant and continuous culture of news media
news overload
a physical or mental condition that is not normal or healthy
Millions of people suffer from some form of personality/mental disorder.
a mental illness that causes someone to be unable to think clearly or to understand what is real and what is not real
This patient suffers from dementia.
a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time
She never fully recovered from the trauma of her experiences.
a terrible disaster
Experts fear a humanitarian catastrophe if food isn’t delivered to the refugees soon.
to kill oneself
to commit suicide
He committed suicide last year after the loss of his brother.
to make me go to extremes to get something done
to push me to my limits
I genuinely want to try to see out my career and really push myself to the limits.
the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health
Although Suzanne did not expect to enjoy the seminar about self-care and empowerment, she left feeling encouraged and uplifted.
a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause
panic attack
a place that is quiet and private
She went to her mountain retreat for a quiet weekend.
the quality or state of being healthy
Daily exercise is proven to promote wellness.
easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally
He was very vulnerable after his divorce.
advice and support that is given to people to help them deal with problems, make important decisions, etc.
She is receiving counseling to cope with the death of her husband.
to treat (a person or animal) in a harsh or harmful way
He was accused of sexually/physically/psychologically abusing a child.
a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)
His life has been ruined by heroin addiction.
the state of needing something or someone else for support, help
She eventually developed a dependence on the painkillers she was taking.
frequently used colloquially to refer to any set of positive attributes that helps a person to cope with difficult situations
mental toughness
not feeling or showing concern about someone who is in a bad situation
an unsympathetic doctor
not allowed by law : unlawful or illegal
The drug is sold illicitly on the streets.
a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something
the stigma associated with mental illness
being unable to think or behave normally (usually because of alcohol)
He was arrested for public intoxication.
going beyond what is usual, normal, or proper
She was reprimanded for her excessive tardiness. [=for being late too often]
done or said in a way that is planned or intended : done or said on purpose
a deliberate [=planned] attempt to trick people
how children think, explore and figure things out
cognitive development
worried and unhappy
He seems very disturbed about his work lately.
to deal with problems and difficult situations and try to come up with solutions
to cope
The book is about coping with stress.
to become worse because of being badly affected by something
to suffer
He was working so hard that his health began to suffer.
not kind or gentle to people or animals
inhumane treatment of mental health patients
something (such as buildings or large pieces of equipment) that are built for a specific purpose
Admission to mental health facilities is difficult.