Colonisation Flashcards
used to refer to, or relating to, the people who originally lived in a place, rather than people who moved there from somewhere else
The indigenous population has long suffered exclusion and profound injustice.
willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, even if you disagree with or disapprove of them
This period in history is not noted for its religious tolerance.
the activity of legally owning other people who are forced to work for or obey you
a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in order to live there and use the land
The first settlers of this area were Germans.
the activity of searching and finding out about something
Livingstone was the first European to make an exploration of the Zambezi river (= to travel to it in order to discover more about it).
having no religion, or belonging to a religion that is not Christianity, Judaism, or Islam
Those who attempted to convert the heathen were put to death.
a person who is kept in prison as a punishment
Prisoners climbed onto the prison roof to protest the conditions inside the prison.
to give people social or political freedom and rights
to enter a country by force with large numbers of soldiers in order to take possession of it
relating to or describing someone’s country or place of birth or someone who was born in a particular country or place
She’s a native Californian.
special words or expressions used in relation to a particular subject or activity
scientific terminology
a bad idea, feeling, or emotion that is associated with a word or phrase
negative connotation
The word ‘cheap’ has a negative connotation when referring to a person.
the ways in which power works in a setting – can either sink a meeting and negatively impact relationships for years
power dynamics
words or phrases that are used to describe the characteristics or qualities of people, activities, or things, often in a way that is unfair
to shock and upset someone severely and for a long time
well-known story which was made up in the past
common myth
a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities
not near to other places
an older person, especially one with a respected position in society
moving from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time
relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs
traditional knowledge and stories about a subject