Mens Rea Flashcards
Whar are the four mental states?
- Knowingly
- Intentionally
- Purposely
- Recklessly
Defendant knows the nature
the result of his conduct
Defendent desires that his acts cause certain consequneces
defendant knows that his acts are substantially certain to produce those consequences
Conscious objective to engage in such conduct
to cause such a result
Conscious disregard of a substantial and unjustifiable risk
*“D knew the risk but didn’t care”
Is distinguished from knowledge because D is aware he is creatign a risk, but does not have substantial certainty that the harm produced by the risk will occur
When does criminal negligence occur?
When the defendant’s conduct creates a high degree of risk
of death or serious injury beyond the tort standard of ordinary negligence
What is specific intent?
D possess specfic intent if:
- wants,
- hopes, or
- wishes that his conduct will bring about a particular result
“with intent to” – is a specific intent element
Specific intent is nullified by:
- Honest but reasonable mistake of fact; and
- Voluntary intoxication
Specific Intent Crimes:
- Attempt
- Solicitation
- Conspiracy
- Larceny
- Larceny by Trick
- False Pretenses
- Embezzlement
- Forgery
- Burglary
- Assault
- Robbery
- Intent-to-Kill Murder
- Voluntary Manslaughter
General intent
Requires the desire
state of mind to do the prohibited act
*generally includes: reckless and criminal negligence state of mind
General intent is nullified by:
Honest and reasonable mistake of fact
General Intent Crimes
- Battery
- Rape
- Kidnapping
- False Imprisonment
- Involuntary Manslaughter
- Depraved-Heart Murder
Way to prove malice:
- Express malice
- Implied malice
How is express malice established?
RULE: by proving ∆ intended to kill another human being.
Intent to kill is established by proving:
- ∆ acted with purpose to kill
- ∆ acted with knowledge that conduct would cause death
- ∆ acted with intent to inflict grevious bodily harm, without intent to kill
How is implied malice established?
RULE: by proving that ∆ caused a death as the result:
- of extreme reckless, OR
- criminally negligent conduct
- that manifested a wanton disregard for value of human life
Malicious Crimes
- Arson
- Common Law Murder
Strict Liability
- require no mens rea
- Act + result = guilt
Strict Liability Crimes
- Regulatory offenses
- Public welfare offenses
- Morality crimes (such as statutory rape or bigamy)
- Selling liquor to minors
When does transferred intent occur?
- Where ∆ intends to produce a criminal result against one victim,
- but inadvertently harms another victim,
- the intent to harm the intended victim transfer to the harmed victim