Mens Rea Flashcards
What is actual intention
where D actually intends to bring about a certain circumstance;
What is oblique intention
where D foresees the result as a natural consequence of their act as virtually certain or inevitable but does not actually intend
Jury should not be directed on intent it should be left up to their common sense but if they need to be:
- Natural conequence of act
- forsee the conseequence
Case on pharmacist supplying heaps of codeine
Wentworth: Intention can be equated with foresight. Here, Wentworth had foresight and therefore intention so was guilty.
intention (breach of parenting order)
Police v K (parenting order breach) Motive does not need to be proved on top of intent
Knowledge requires actual knowledge, mere suspicion is not enough.
knowledge case - flatmate received stolen goods
Crooks - “A person is said to know something when he has ascertained, by physical or mental perception, a state of facts or circumstances which creates in his mind a certainty that the point of his inquiry is free from doubt”. Willful blindness also equates to knowledge.
knowledge case - convicted of importing heroin
Martin: Once there is a suspicion and a blind eye is turned, the law will handle it not the jury
Martin. when D knows there is a risk and runs it although it is unreasonable.
recklessness (shooting set up)
Tiiple: There was ample evidence that the target practice endangered others (especially on the road) and that D appreciated that but proceeded regardless. Appeal dismissed.
recklessness (shot drone)
Hei Hei: Did he actually and consciously appreciate the risk to a persons safety at the time of firing the gun? Judge was not satisfied, said evidence suggested he acted impulsively w/o considering consequences.
Recklessness (fire while stealing car)
Hay had taken precautions to minimise risk and did not think it would happen which caused the courts to find he did not act recklessly. He saw risk, and undertook alternate act.
Recklessness (imported heroin in suitcase)
Martin: Just as with consequences, recklessness as to circumstances requires that the defendant acts believing that there is a possibility, or risk that the circumstance might exist
Recklessness (drove in bad temper after talking to cop)
D’almeida: here did not have an appreciation of the risk of her actions when driving in bad temper
Recklessness (killed someone with boon of digger)
Jones: Did not satisfy the requirement he did not know it was a real possibility his actions would bring about the proscribed result
Test for recklessness
a) The defendant recognised that there was a real possibility that:
i. His or her actions would bring about the proscribed result;
ii. That the proscribed circumstances existed; and
b) Having regard to that risk, those actions were unreasonable.