Menopause, HRT, PCOS, Breast CA meds Flashcards
General Info about Menopause
- Natural loss of ovarian follicular activity
- not enough estradiol production
- menses stop
- Age of onset: 40-58yo (avg 52yo)
Early Menopause causes:
- hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophrectomy
- low body weight
- increased menstural cycle length
- nulliparity (never having given birth to a child)
- smoking
- → on avg onset of menopause earlier than non-smokers by 2 years
Prior to Menopause:
Perimenopause (climacteric) period
- changes in hormone levels
occurs 2-8 yrs before menopause
- results in irregular menstrual cycles
- increased intervals between cycles
- decreased cycle length
- may experience physical sxs of menopause
Perimenopause (climacteric) period
S/sxs of Menopause
- vasomotor sxs
- hot flashes
- night sweats
- irregular menses
- episodic amenorrhea
- sleep disturbances
- mood swings
- migraine, irritability
- vaginal dryness, dyspareunia (painful sex)
- fatigue, myalgias, decreased libido
Tx of Menopause: goals, general approach, non-pharm therapy
Guidelines for hormone replacement therapy in Menopause
Risk Breast Cancer Development and Menopausal Hormone Therapy
- Risk category > 5 = AVOID MHT (menopause hormone therapy)
When to use Hormone Therapy? (Algorithm)
How to Administer Hormone Replacement Therapy
Benefits & Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy
- effective for vasomotor sxs
- relief of vulvovaginal atrophy
- osteoporosis prevention
- lower rate of colorectal cancer (???)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): general info and clinical presentation
- irregular menstrual cycle
- excess of androgens
- metabolic syndromes & cardiovascular risks
- polycystic ovaries
Clinical presentation:
- Menstrual dysfunction
- hyperandrogenism
PCOS: Clinical Presentation
PCOS Tx goals & non-pharm tx
PCOS: Pharm Tx overview
Tx of PCOS Menstrual Dysfunction
- 1st line = combined oral Contraception: 20mcg EE + progestin with low androgenicity
Cyclic progestin tx:
- Medroxyprogesterone 5-10mg x 10-14days q 1-2 months
- Micronized progesterone (Prometrium) 200-400mg QHS x 10-14d Q4 weeks
- Contraindicated in ppl with peanut allergy
- induces regular uterine bleeding & reduces risk of endometrial hyperplasia
Continuous progestin (progestin only OC, minipill)
- Norethindrone 0.35mg Qday
Progestin release IUD
- provides contraception & reduces risk of endometrial hyperplasia
Cyclic progestin tx:
PCOS Tx: Androgen Excess
PCOS tx: Infertility
Breast Cancer: Epidemiology & Risks
Breast Cancer: Overview of Tx
- Prevention & Early Detection
- Non-Pharm:
- radical mastectomy
- radiation therapy
- Pharmacologic systemic adjuvant tx
- chemo
- biologic therapy
- endocrine therapy
Breast Cancer Tx: Adjuvant/Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy Overview
Breast Cancer: SERMs
Breast Cancer: SERDs
Breast Cancer: Aromatase Inhibitors
Breast Cancer: LHRH Agonists