Men from Reconstruction Flashcards
T. Stevens
Leader of the Radical Republicans
B. Bruce
First African American to serve a full term in the Senate
C. Sumner
Helped start the Radical Republicans, anti-slavery leader
R. Hayes
Removed troops from the South, ended Reconstruction
U. Grant
Sent federal troops to the South to help protect African Americans
F. Douglass
North Star newspaper
B. Washington
Founded Tuskegee Institute
H. Revels
First African American to serve in the Senate
W. DuBois
Co-founder of NAACP
S. Tilden
Ran against Hayes, disputed election, helped get troops out of the South
H. Seymour
Democrat who ran against Grant
G. W. Cable
Wrote about horrors and evils of slavery
H. Plessy
“Separate but Equal”
E. Stanton
Secretary of War, fired by Johnson, cause of Johnson’s impeachment
A. Lincoln
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