Memory items Flashcards
Stall Recovery
(Stall, I Have Control)
- Nose Down Pitch Control ………………..Apply
- Bank……………………………………….Wings Level
PS: Caso trave comandos reduzir potência.
*When out of Stall
- Thrust………………………………..Increase Smoothly
- SpeedBrake…………………………Check Retracted
- Flight Path………………………….Recover Smoothly
*If in clean conf Below 20.000ft
- Flap 1…………………………………………………Select
Stall Warning at Lift-Off
(Stall, TOGA 15)
- Thrust………………………………………………….TOGA
- Pitch Attitude…………………………………………..15°
- Bank……………………………………………..Wings Level
PS: Quando estabelecida velocidade e Pitch, se o aviso continuar, considerar espúrio
Loss of Braking
( Loss of Braking)
- Reverse…………………………………………………..Max
- Brake Pedals………………………………………Release
- A/Skid…………………………………………..Order/OFF
- Brake Pedals………………………………………Press
- Max Brake Press ………………………………..1000PSI
*If Still no Braking
- Parking Brake ………….Short and successive apply
Unreliable Speed Indication
(Unreliable Speed)
- AP-A/THR-FD ………………………………………OFF-OFF-OFF
- Below Thrust Reduction Alt………………………15°/TOGA
- Above Thrust Red and blw FL100…………….10°/CLB
- Above Thrust Red and abv FL100 ……………..5°/CLB
- Flaps (if conf 1,2,3) …………………………………..Maintain
- Flaps (if conf Full) ………………………………Select Conf3
- SpeedBrake …………………………………..Check Retracted
- Landing Gear ………………………………………………UP
PS: Respeitar Stall Warning, na MSA ou Circuito, nivelar para resolver
Emergency Descent
(Emergency Descent)
- Crew Oxygen Masks…………………………………Use
- Signs ………………………………………………………On
- Emergency Descent ………………………………Initiate
*If A/THR not active:
- Thrust Levers …………………………………………Idle
-SpeedBrake ……………………………………………Full
*Before V1
-Take off should be Rejected, pilot call.
*After V1
- Thrust Levers……………………………………………….TOGA
- Reaching VR…………………………………………………Rotate
SRS Orders……………………………………………………..Follow
PS: Se necessário, full back sidestick.
PS: Sem FD Pitch 17.5°
*Airborne, Initial Climb or Landing:
- Thrust Levers at TOGA…………………………Set or confirm
- AP (if engaged)………………………………………….Keep On
- SRS Orders…………………………………………………..Follow
Nota: Não mexer na conf / Monitorar flight path e speed / Recuperar suave.
Windshear Ahead
(Windshear Ahead)
*Before Takeoff:
- Delay Takeoff
*During Takeoff run:
-Reject Takeoff
*When Airborne:
- Thrust Levers………………………………………TOGA
- A/P (if engaged)……………………………….Keep On
- SRS orders……………………………………………Follow
PS: Se necessário full back sidestick, pitch 17.5°
- Go Around………………………………………….Perform
- AP (If engaged)………………………………….Keep On
TCAS Warnings
(TCAS Blue / TCAS I have control.
*Trafic Advisory (TA) Alert:
- Tcas Mode…………………………………………………Check Armed
- A/THR…………………………………………………………….ON
PS: Monitoring Liga o cinto e Landing Lights.
*Resolution Advisory (RA) Alert:
- FD Orders……………………………………………………Follow
- Vertical Speed…………………………………………..Monitor
Ps: Caso o automatismo não esteja cumprindo a manobra, tekeover respeitando os limite de V(alpha)Max e Vmax
*If any climb Aural during Final Approach:
- TCAS Mode Orders……………………………..Monitor/Follow
- Go Around……………………………………………………Perform
Ps: Respeitar Stall, EGPWS e Windshear warnigs
- ATC…………………………………………………………………..Notify
- When Clear of Conflict Aural Alert Sounds:
- AP/FD………………………………………………………Monitor/Follow
- ATC……………………………………………………………….Notify
- Lateral and Vertical guidance…………………………Adjust
- Speed…………………………………………………………………Adjust
*If TCAS Flight Guidance is NOT available:
-Vertical Speed………………………………………………Adjust/Mantain
EGPWS Warnings
(Pull Up, TOGA)
- AP…………………………………………………………………OFF
- Pitch………………………………………………………..Pull Up
- Thrust Levers………………………………………TOGA
- Speed Brake Levers……………………………..Check Retracted
- Bank…………………………………………………Wings Level/Adjust
Ps: Puxar o sidestick todo para trás e manter.