Memory And Learning Flashcards
What are the two stages of learning and memory?
- The acquisition of a short term memory
- The consolidation of a long term memory
What is physical modification of the brain because by?
Incoming sensory information
Define memory consolidation
Is the process by which some experiences, held temporarily by transient modifications of neurons, are selected for permanent storage in long term memory
Describe the flow of sensory information into long term memory
Sensory experience - (memory acquisition) - short term memory - (memory consolidation) - long term
What is the IT area involved in?
Visual area and an area involved with memory
Lesions = propagnosia
Define prospagnosia
A selective amnesia for familiar faces that can result from damage to the infertemporal cortex in humans
What is stimulus activity?
Response with a barrage of action potentials to the presentation of some but not all stimuli
Example, IT neurons
Define distributed memory
The concept that memories are encoded by widespread synaptic modifications of many neurons, not by a single synapse or cell
What is graceful degradation
The slow removal of neuronal networks
Representations tend to blend together as neurons are lost, such that one memory gets confused with another
What was found on studies about snail memory storage ?
Simple forms of learning were accompanied by changes in the strength of synaptic transmission between sensory neurons and motor neurons
What brain region is critical for memory formation?
What are the two thin sheets of neurons in the hippocampus?
- Ammon’s horn
- CA3 and CA1
- Dentate’s GYRUS
Describe the trisynaptic circuit
- Entorhinal cortex - dentate gyrus (perforant path) synapses
- DENTATE GYRUS - CA3 (mossy fibre) synapses
- CA3 - CA1 (Schaffer collateral) synapses
Define tetanus
A brief burst of high-frequency stimulation (typical 50-100 stimuli at a rate of 100/sec)
Define input specificity
A property of synapse plasticity that ensure that modifications induced by stimulation of one input onto a neuron do not spread to other unstimulated so puts on the same neuron
What does tetanus cause?
A modification of the stimulated synapses so they are more effective