Memory Flashcards
What are the three levels in the memory hierarchy
Cache, main memory, virtual memory
Temporal locality
- locality in time
- keeps recently accessed data in higher levels of memory hierarchy
Spatial Locality
- locality in space
- when data is accessed, nearby data brought into higher levels of memory hierarchy too
data found in that level of memory hierarchy
data not found in that level of memory hierarchy (must go to next level)
Hit rate:
hits/#memory accesses (1 minus miss rate)
Miss rate:
misses/#memory accesses (1 minus hit rate)
Average Memory Access Time (AMAT):
average time for processor to access data. Given by:
tcache + MRcache(tMM + MRMM(tVM))
- highest level of memory
- fast (about 1 cycle access time)
What is Capacity (C):
number of data bytes in cache
What is block size (b):
bytes of data brought into cache at once
What is number of Blocks (B):
number of blocks in cache (B = C/b)
What is Degree of associativity (N)
number of blocks in a set
How do you calculate number of sets in cache?
S = B/N
three types of cache organisation:
- Direct mapped (1 block per set)
- N-way set associative (N blocks per set)
- Fully associative (all cache blocks in one set)