Memory Flashcards
What is Memory
The process of encoding, storing ad retrieving information
Atkinson and Shiffrin
Created the model for memory
Diagram in Copy
Craig and Lockhart (1972)
The deeper the level of processing someone engages in on that matter, the better that it will be remembered later
Maintenance Rehearsal
Repeating the item over and over to encode it into long term memory
Elaborative Rehearsal
Encodes the information in a more meaningful way i.e., the more an item is elaborated at the time of storage, the richer the later memory will be because more connections can serve as retrieval cues
Cognitive structures that help us perceive, organise, process and use information i.e., social schemas influence our behavior on a date (open the door, don’t eat garlic, be respectful)
Association Networks
Networks of associations where each unit of information about an item is a single node in the network i.e. associating red and a firetruck
Spreading Activation Models
Stimuli in working memory activate specific nodes in long-term memory making retrieval easier
Retrieval Cues
Anything that helps a person recall information stored in long term memory
Learning aids, strategies and devices that improve recall through the use of retrieval cues
Method of Loci
Associating item you want to remember with physical locations
Encoding Specificity (Tulving 1983)
Memory is improved when information available at encoding is also available at retrieval
Episodic Memories
Memories of past experiences i.e., visiting Paris
Semantic Memories
Memories used for knowledge about the world i.e., Paris is the capital city of France
Requires participants to reproduce items that were learned earlier
Requires participants to identify which items had been present at an earlier time
Knowing if an item is old or new
Actively remembering details of how an item was learned
Procedural Memory
A type of implicit memory that requires motor skill and/or behavioral habits i.e. riding a bike
An implicit memory effect where exposure to one stimulus influences the response to another stimulus i.e., WASH SO P
Prospective Memory
Remembering to do something at a future time.
Often requires a retrieval cue i.e. a planner or diary
The inability to retrieve memory from long-term storage
The continuous recurrence of unwanted memories
Pro-active Interference
interference that occurs when prior learned knowledge interferes with your ability to learn new knowledge
Retroactive Interference
Interference that occurs when newly learned information inhibits your ability to remember older information
-The temporary inability to remember something
-Also known as the tip of the tongue phenomenon
The inattentive or shallow encoding of events
A deficit in long term memory caused by a disease, brain injury or psychological trauma, in which individuals lose the ability to remember vast quantities of information
Retrograde Amnesia
A condition in which people lose past memories, such as memories for events, facts, people or personal information
Anterograde Amnesia
A condition in which an individual loses the ability to form new memories
Memory Distortion
People tend to recall their past belief and attitudes as being consistent with their current ones
Memory Bias
The changing of memories over time so that they become consistent with current attitudes or beliefs
Rosy Retrospection
The tendency to recall the past as better than the present
Flashbulb Memories
Vivid, episodic memories for circumstances in which an individual first learned of a consequential or emotionally arousing event i.e., Covid Lockdown
Von Restorff Effect
A distinctive event may be recalled more easily than a trivial event, however it still may be inaccurate
False Fame Effect
An effect that causes people to mistakenly believe that a person in famous simply because they have encountered their name before
Implicit Memory
Memory that are expressed through responses, actions or reactions
Explicit Memories
Memory that is consciously retrieved
Reflected in a facilitation in a response to a stimulus due to recent experience with that stimulus i.e. the word ‘table’ might facilitate the response to the word ‘chair’