Memory Flashcards
What is the modern understanding of the physical correlate of memory?
Memories are stored through biochemical processes that shape neurons.
What are the two main types of memory?
Declarative (explicit) memory and procedural (implicit) memory.
Which brain structure is crucial for declarative memory?
The hippocampus.
What did the case of Henry Molaison (H.M.) illustrate about memory?
It illustrated the difference between declarative memory (impaired) and procedural memory (intact).
What is procedural memory?
Memory for skills and habits, expressed through performance without conscious recollection.
What is priming in memory?
The improved ability to detect, produce, or classify an item based on a recent encounter with it.
How do researchers study memory in animals?
By training animals to perform tasks for rewards and measuring behaviors like navigation and freezing.
What is the significance of the hippocampus in memory?
It is essential for forming new declarative memories and spatial navigation
How is memory categorized beyond declarative and procedural types?
Explicit (conscious recollection) vs. implicit (unconscious skills), and short-term vs. long-term memory.
What is the role of the striatum in memory?
It supports procedural memory and habits.
How does the amygdala contribute to memory?
It is involved in fear learning and enhances memory for emotionally arousing events.
How can the prefrontal cortex influence the amygdala?
It can modulate the amygdala, allowing for the reversal of fear learning through cognitive processes.
What is the relationship between stress hormones and memory?
Stress hormones from the adrenal gland can affect the hippocampus and other brain regions, influencing memory.
What is an example of classical conditioning related to memory?
Eye blink conditioning, where a puff of air paired with a beep leads to a conditioned blink response.
What is the difference between short-term and long-term memory?
They exist on a continuum, and the distinction is based more on memory load than duration.
What did studies with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients reveal about memory systems?
Alzheimer’s patients struggle with declarative memory, while Parkinson’s patients have trouble with procedural memory.
How are declarative memories measured in patients like H.M.?
Through tasks involving the recollection of recent facts, object positions, and images.
How can declarative memory be tested in animals?
By training animals to navigate mazes or perform tasks for rewards and measuring their ability to recall the correct path or action
What is the role of the cerebellum in memory?
It is involved in conditioning and reflexes, such as the eye blink conditioning.
How do animals express fear memory?
Through freezing behavior in response to a conditioned stimulus associated with an unpleasant experience.
How is spatial navigation memory studied in humans?
Using virtual reality tasks and measuring brain activity with MRI, showing hippocampal activation for spatial strategies and striatal activation for non-spatial strategies.
What is the role of procedural memory in daily activities?
It supports repetitive behaviors and skills like brushing teeth and hair.
What is the significance of double dissociation in memory research?
It helps distinguish between different types of memory by showing specific impairments in patient groups.
How does emotional state affect memory?
Emotional arousal, through the release of stress hormones, can enhance or impair memory depending on the context.
What are some key brain regions involved in non-declarative memory?
The striatum, neocortex, amygdala, cerebellum, and brainstem.
How can we study causation in memory formation?
Through animal experiments that manipulate brain regions and measure changes in behavior and memory performance.
What did studies of patients with medial temporal lobe lesions reveal about short-term memory?
Patients could manage well with a few objects but struggled with more, indicating the load on memory systems.
What is the significance of the neocortex in priming and perceptual learning?
It is involved in the improved ability to detect or classify items based on recent encounters.
What type of memory is associated with the basal ganglia?
Procedural memory, which is more of a habit-type memory.