Memory Flashcards
Steden die naar elkaar groeien en zo in superstad vormen 
rivieren of beken die zich bochtig door het landschap slingeren. Rivieren die …. door het landschap
a general agreement among a group of people. It means that the majority of individuals involved have reached a mutual understanding or decision on a particular matter.
Een cognitieve bias waarbij mensen met een lage vaardigheid in een bepaalde vaardigheid hun bekwaamheid overschatten. Daarentegen onderschatten mensen met een hoge vaardigheid vaak hun bekwaamheid, omdat ze ervan uitgaan dat anderen hetzelfde kennisniveau hebben als zij.
Een term die gebruikt wordt in de meetkunde om twee lijnen of vlakken te beschrijven die elkaar snijden onder een rechte hoek (90 graden). Dit betekent dat de lijnen of vlakken een “L”-vorm vormen, waarbij de ene lijn of het ene vlak verticaal is en de andere horizontaal.
Bijvoorbeeld, de zijden van een vierkant of rechthoek zijn perpendiculair aan elkaar
- Een verticale lijn staat altijd loodrecht op een horizontale lijn, wat betekent dat ze elkaar perpendiculair snijden.
- Tijdens het bouwen van een huis moeten de muren haaks op elkaar staan, wat betekent dat ze perpendiculair zijn.
- Een 90-gradenhoek is een voorbeeld van een perpendiculaire hoek, waar twee lijnen elkaar snijden en een rechte hoek vormen.
- In de meetkunde worden twee lijnen als perpendiculair beschouwd als ze elkaar loodrecht snijden.
- Een T-vormig kruispunt op de weg heeft wegen die perpendiculair op elkaar staan, waardoor er een soort rechte hoek ontstaat.
vervanging voor de schaal van Richter
Momentmagnitude schaal
in het oog springend
Consecutive / successive
op staande voet
Stante pede
- De fantasie van de auteur creëerde een fantasmagorische wereld vol kleurrijke wezens en magische landschappen.
- Het optreden van de band was een fantasmagorisch spektakel met spectaculaire lichteffecten en buitengewone kostuums.
- De schilderijen in het museum vertoonden een fantasmagorische stijl, met surrealistische beelden en vervormde realiteit.
- De roman nam me mee op een fantasmagorisch avontuur door tijd en ruimte, vol onverwachte wendingen en mysterieuze gebeurtenissen.
- De architectuur van het gebouw had een fantasmagorische uitstraling, met zijn grillige vormen en asymmetrische structuren.
een uitdrukking of gezegde in een bepaalde taal die niet rechtstreeks kan worden vertaald naar een andere taal
- Een idioom is een uitdrukking of gezegde in een bepaalde taal die niet rechtstreeks kan worden vertaald naar een andere taal.
- Het gebruik van idiomatische uitdrukkingen kan de taalvaardigheid van een spreker verrijken en hem of haar helpen zich natuurlijker uit te drukken.
- Het Nederlands heeft ook verschillende idiomatische uitdrukkingen, zoals “het hoofd in de schoot leggen” wat betekent opgeven of toegeven.
- Het begrijpen en correct gebruiken van idiomen kan een uitdaging zijn voor leerlingen van vreemde talen, omdat de betekenis niet altijd logisch is op basis van de afzonderlijke woorden.
- Idiomen kunnen de culturele context van een taal weerspiegelen en helpen bij het begrijpen van bepaalde aspecten van een samenleving.
Beyond belief, not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable
not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable: [with clause]: it seemed inconceivable that he had been unaware of what was going on I they behaved with inconceivable cruelty.
Morele houding, levenshouding
“the governing body has responsibility for the ethos of the school”
SPIRIT, character, atmosphere, climate, prevailing tendency, mood, feeling, temper, tenor, flavour, essence, quintessence; ANIMATING PRINCIPLE, dominating characteristic, motivating force, disposition, rationale, code, morality, moral code, attitudes, beliefs, principles, standards, ethics.
Pathos is een van de drie middelen van overtuiging in de filosofische leer Ars Rhetorica van Aristoteles. Het pathos beproeft de emoties van het publiek. De emotionele functie kan op verschillende manieren bereikt worden:
- Door beeld (kunst), uitbeelding of verhaal
- Door een algemene passie in de uitbeelding of emotionele middelen in de tekst van de toespraak of in schrift.
Volgens de Ars Rhetorica wordt pathos gebruikt om door middel van emotie het gevoel van het publiek te veranderen. Een gebruik van pathos in een argument creëert een gevoel van verwerping indien het publiek het er niet mee eens is. Een angst voor verwerping opwekken is in essentie een pathos-argument creëren. Overemotionaliteit kan het resultaat van een overvloed aan pathos zijn.
De term wordt soms door critici gebruikt, voornamelijk in positieve referentie aan de dramatische prestaties van acteurs in een toneelstuk.
pathos | ‘peros | noun [mass noun]
a quality that evokes pity or sadness: the actor injects his customary humour and pathos into the role.
Sleepy, drowsy
Nothing can make a person more lethargic than a big turkey dinner.
wereldlijk maken, het losmaken uit de godsdienstig-kerkelijke sfeer. Scheiding van kerk en staat
secularisatie, secularisme
a person who has partial or complete paralysis of the lower half of their body
Paraplegic, (Nederlands dwarslaesie, paraplegie)
Paraplegic refers to a person who has partial or complete paralysis of the lower half of their body, typically as a result of a spinal cord injury. This can result in a loss of movement and sensation in the legs and possibly also affect the trunk and pelvic organs. People with paraplegia often use mobility aids such as wheelchairs to assist with their mobility. It is important to note that each case is unique, and the extent of paralysis can vary among individuals.
Zich voegen
To defer
He deferred to his parents’ wishes”
Referring to the storytelling process or the way a story is structured. It includes elements like characters, plot, setting, and themes. It can be found in various forms, such as books, movies, and even personal anecdotes. It’s essentially the art of presenting a sequence of events or experiences in a meaningful and engaging way.
- “The novel had a gripping narrative that kept readers hooked until the end.”
- “In her speech, the politician presented a compelling narrative of the nation’s history.”
- “The documentary filmmaker skillfully weaved together multiple narratives to tell a thought-provoking story.”
- “The museum’s exhibit offered a fascinating narrative of the city’s cultural evolution.”
- “Historians study primary sources to piece together an accurate narrative of past events.”
a non-profit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue
Non-governmental organizations,
Nonprofit Organization
Restriction, limitation.
- “Due to budget constraints, we cannot proceed with the project at this time.”
- “The team worked under tight time constraints to complete the report.”
- “The artist embraced the creative constraint of using only black and white in the painting.”
- “The speed limit is a safety constraint that all drivers must adhere to.”
- “The design process was limited by the physical constraints of the available space.”
- shyness
- hindrance
De handeling van remmen of de staat van geremd zijn.
Iets dat beperkt, blokkeert of onderdrukt.
Bewuste of onbewuste terughoudendheid van een gedragsproces, verlangen of impuls.
The act of inhibiting or the state of being inhibited.
Something that restrains, blocks, or suppresses.
Conscious or unconscious restraint of a behavioral process, desire, or impulse.
- Inhibition refers to a conscious or subconscious restraint or suppression of behavior, impulses, or thoughts.
- Anxiety can sometimes lead to increased inhibition, resulting in hesitancy or avoidance of certain actions.
- Alcohol consumption is known to lower inhibitions, leading individuals to act more freely or rashly than they normally would.
- Certain medications can affect inhibitions, either by lowering or heightening them, depending on the individual’s reaction to the drug.
- Some people may struggle with social inhibition, making it challenging for them to engage in social interactions or express themselves freely in public settings.
The children, at first shy, soon lost their inhibitions | [mass noun] : she showed an enthusiasm for sex and a lack of inhibition which was entirely alien to him.
• Psychology a restraint on the direct expression of an instinct.
• [mass noun] the slowing or prevention of a process, reaction, or function by a particular substance.
2 [mass noun] the action of inhibiting a process.
Jaar van herkomst: 1864 (WNT )
1) Aanmatigend 2) Arrogant 3) Elitair 4) Kakkineus 5) Noten 6) Nuffig 7) Onbeschaamd 8) Veel eisen stellend 9) Verwaand 10) Vol inbeelding 11) Vol pretenties 12) Waanwijs…
impossible to prove wrong
An irrefutable argument.
Irrefutable evidence of health risks.
- Gravity is an irrefutable force that attracts objects towards each other based on their mass. This phenomenon has been extensively studied and observed by scientists throughout history.
- The speed of light in a vacuum is an irrefutable constant, defined as approximately 299,792,458 meters per second. This value has been measured and confirmed through numerous scientific experiments and is a cornerstone of our understanding of physics.
- Evolution is an irrefutable theory supported by abundant evidence from multiple scientific disciplines, including paleontology, genetics, and comparative anatomy. It explains the diversity of life on Earth and has been widely accepted in the scientific community.
- The law of conservation of mass states that the mass of a closed system remains constant over time, regardless of physical or chemical changes. This principle has been repeatedly tested and confirmed, providing a fundamental understanding of mass and its behavior.
- The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of energy conservation, is an irrefutable principle stating that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. It has been verified through numerous experiments and forms the basis of our understanding of energy transfer and transformations.
SELF-SEEKER, egocentric, egomaniac, self admirer, narcissist;
BOASTER, brag, bragger, braggart, show-off; informal blowhard, swank, big-head; North American English informal showboat;
a person who is excessively conceited or absorbed in themselves; a self-seeker: he is a self-absorbed egotist.
- The egotist couldn’t resist boasting about their achievements and monopolizing every conversation they joined.
- His egotistical behavior alienated those around him as he constantly belittled others to inflate his own sense of self-worth.
- Being an egotist, she rarely considered the feelings or perspectives of others, always prioritizing her own desires.
- The egotist’s relentless pursuit of fame and attention left little room for genuine connections or meaningful relationships.
- Despite his talent, his reputation as an egotist hindered his success, as people grew tired of his self-centeredness and arrogance.
excessive or prejudiced support for one’s own cause or group. Own country or region
Chauvinism refers to excessive or biased loyalty, pride, or prejudice towards one’s own group, often based on gender, nationality, or any other characteristic. It can manifest as the belief in the superiority of one’s own group, and often leads to discrimination or mistreatment of others. Overall, chauvinism promotes an unhealthy and unfair view of superiority and can harm relationships and equality.
1 they have a tendency towards small-mindedness and chauvinism.
JINGOISM, excessive patriotism, blind patriotism, excessive nationalism, sectarianism, isolationism, flag-waving, xenophobia, racism, racialism, racial prejudice, ethnocentrism, ethnocentricity; PARTISANSHIP, partiality, prejudice, bias, discrimination, intolerance, bigotry.
2 the culture is dominated by machismo and chauvinism. MALE CHAUVINISM, sexism, misogyny, toxic masculinity, machismo, laddishness;
DISCRIMINATION, prejudice, bias.
The best of its kind
Perfect example
- “She is a paragon of kindness and generosity.”
- “He’s a paragon of virtue, always acting with integrity.”
- “The classic car is considered a paragon of design and engineering.”
- “She is the paragon of beauty, with flawless features.”
- “His exceptional leadership skills make him a paragon in the business world.”
- an attempt to avert political chaos.
PREVENT, stop, avoid, nip in the bud; stave off, head off, ward off; forestall, preclude. - she averted her head.
TURN ASIDE, turn away, turn to one side. - She managed to avert a potential disaster by taking quick action and notifying the authorities.
- The driver skillfully averted a collision by swerving at the last moment.
- The timely intervention of the lifeguard helped avert a drowning incident at the beach.
- The company implemented several cost-cutting measures to avert financial difficulties.
- The diplomatic negotiations sought to avert a military conflict between the two neighboring countries.
iemand die kunst en wetenschap beschermt en vaak kunstenaars of wetenschappers financieel steunt (Solomon R. Guggenheim)
(naar de Romein Gaius Clinius Maecenas, adviseur van keizer Augustus, 70-8 v.C.)
- Een mecenas is iemand die financiële steun en patronage biedt aan kunstenaars en wetenschappers.
- Mecenassen speelden een belangrijke rol in de Renaissance door kunstenaars zoals Leonardo da Vinci en Michelangelo te ondersteunen.
- Dankzij de vrijgevigheid van hun mecenas konden veel beroemde werken uit de geschiedenis worden gecreëerd.
- In de hedendaagse tijd zijn er ook nog mecenassen die kunstenaars en culturele instellingen ondersteunen.
- De term “mecenas” wordt ook gebruikt om iemand te beschrijven die financiële steun biedt aan een goed doel of een nobel initiatief.
- showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
- showing an impudent lack of respect
1 the audience were left gasping at his audacious exploits. BOLD, daring, fearless, intrepid, brave, unafraid, unflinching, courageous, valiant, valorous, heroic, dashing, plucky, daredevil, devil-may-care, death-or-glory, reckless, wild, madcap; adventurous, venturesome, enterprising, dynamic, spirited, mettlesome; informal game, gutsy, spunky, ballsy, have-a-go, go-ahead; rare venturous, temerarious. ANTONYMS timid.
2 Des made some audacious remark to her. IMPUDENT, impertinent, insolent, presumptuous, forward, cheeky, irreverent, discourteous, disrespectful, insubordinate, ill-mannered, bad-mannered, unmannerly, mannerless, rude, crude, brazen, brazen-faced, brash, shameless, pert, defiant, bold, bold as brass, outrageous, shocking, out of line; informal brass-necked, cocky, lippy, mouthy, fresh, flip; British English informal saucy, smart-arsed;
North American English informal sassy, nervy, smart-assed; archaic malapert, contumelious. ANTONYMS polite.
the part of the cerebral cortex in the brain in which originate the nerve impulses that initiate voluntary muscular activity
Motor cortex
Motorische cortex
evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
not able to be refuted; inspiring conviction
not able to be resisted; overwelving
Onweerstaanbaar, boeiend
evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way: his eyes were strangely compelling | a compelling film.
• not able to be refuted; inspiring conviction: there is compelling evidence that the recession is ending | a compelling argument.
• not able to be resisted; overwhelming: the temptation to give up was compelling.
- The scientist presented a compelling argument backed by extensive research, persuading the audience of the validity of his theory.
- The novel’s intriguing plot and well-developed characters made it a truly compelling read that captivated readers from start to finish.
- The documentary presented a compelling case, shedding light on the pressing issue of climate change and urging viewers to take action.
- The artist’s compelling use of colors and textures in their paintings evoked strong emotions and drew viewers into their imaginative world.
- The speaker delivered a compelling speech that resonated with the audience, inspiring them to reconsider their beliefs and take a stand for justice.
hold back from doing
Zich onthouden (van)
Considered a health nut, Jessica abstained from anything containing sugar–even chocolate
- It is important to abstain from smoking to maintain good lung health and reduce the risk of various diseases.
- Some people choose to abstain from consuming alcohol for personal, health, or religious reasons.
- During the fasting month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn until sunset.
- To stay focused and be productive, it can be helpful to abstain from social media distractions.
- The doctor advised the patient to abstain from heavy physical activity after surgery to allow for proper healing.
Civil rights icon Rosa Parks will forever be remembered for adamantly refusing to give up her seat on a public bus–even after the bus driver insisted, she remained rooted in place.
Refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind: he is adamant that he is not going to resign.
1 a basket made from unyielding spikes of cane. STIFF, inflexible, unpliable, non-flexible, unbending, inelastic, firm, hard, solid, tough, tight, taut, compact, compacted, compressed, dense; rare impliable, unmalleable, renitent.
2 an unyielding policy on inflation.
RESOLUTE, inflexible, uncompromising, unbending, unshakeable, unwavering; unpersuadable, uncooperative, immovable, intractable, intransigent, rigid, stiff, hard-line, hard and fast, tough, firm, determined, iron-willed, dogged, obstinate, stubborn, not giving an inch, diehard, adamant, obdurate, tenacious, pertinacious, relentless, implacable, inexorable, single-minded, stiff-necked; British English informal bloody-minded; rare indurate, renitent, unmalleable.
Statement or claim that is untrue or incorrect. It can be intentionally deceptive or simply a result of misinformation. It can be spread through various means, such as rumors, misinformation campaigns, or unintentional mistakes. It is important to be critical of information and fact-check claims to avoid being misled by it.
Leugens, valsheid
- “The statement that he made about his involvement is a complete falsehood.”
- “Don’t believe the falsehoods spread by gossip magazines.”
- “The politician’s campaign was fueled by falsehoods and misinformation.”
- “She accused him of spreading falsehoods to tarnish her reputation.”
- “It’s important to fact-check before sharing information to avoid spreading falsehoods.”
een figuurlijk taalgebruik waarbij een minder harde, minder directe of minder confronterende uitdrukking wordt gebruikt om iets aan te duiden dat als onprettig, ongemakkelijk, ongepast of onbehoorlijk wordt beschouwd
Bananas, nuts, crazy, wild, ballistic, cuckoo!
Quite commonly used word, not slang, used to affectionately describe a state of mind such as the above.
Hand-in-hand vocabulary with for example: gor-blimey, bastards!, bollockchops, well I’ll be a pissed on candle, crikey, shove it up your arse, and bollocks! Used in the UK at least.(>London<)
Humorous sub-text in use due to its (click the link) ‘bonk’ attribute, as in copulation of the ‘Carry On’ sort also bonk could be a hit, say on the head that has comedy value.
To enhance, say: ‘bloody bonkers’ or ‘blimmin bonkers’ or ‘bloomin bonkers’ or ‘absolutely bonkers’ (esp.)
-He’s definitely gone bonkers, that boy.’ (crazy in the head)
-They told me they lost the paperwork.
-Did you get mad?’
-I went absolutely bonkers (mad at them)
-I could have sworn I left it here on the frigde, I tell you I’m going bonkers
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus.
- USB 1.0:
- Low-Speed USB: 1.5 Mbps (megabits per second)
- Full-Speed USB: 12 Mbps
- USB 2.0:
- Hi-Speed USB: 480 Mbps
- USB 3.0 (also known as USB 3.1 Gen 1 or SuperSpeed USB):
- SuperSpeed USB: 5 Gbps (gigabits per second)
- USB 3.1 (also known as USB 3.1 Gen 2):
- SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbps
- USB 3.2:
- SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbps (USB 3.2 Gen 1)
- SuperSpeed USB 20 Gbps (USB 3.2 Gen 2x2)
- USB 4:
- SuperSpeed USB 40 Gbps (USB 4 Gen 2x2)
een houding gekenmerkt door scepsis en negativiteit ten opzichte van de motieven of handelingen van anderen. Een ……. persoon gelooft vaak dat mensen voornamelijk gedreven worden door eigenbelang en twijfelt vaak aan hun oprechtheid of altruïsme. Deze manier van denken kan leiden tot algemeen wantrouwen jegens anderen en een neiging om dingen vanuit een pessimistisch perspectief te bekijken.
Het is echter belangrijk op te merken dat cynisme niet noodzakelijkerwijs een gezonde of constructieve wereldbeschouwing is, aangezien het vertrouwen, samenwerking en het vermogen om positieve aspecten van situaties te zien kan belemmeren.
Cynisme kan worden gezien in uitspraken zoals: “Geloof me, de wereld verandert nooit”, “Waarom zou ik zelfs proberen? Alles gaat toch mis” en “Iedereen heeft een verborgen agenda, vertrouw niemand echt”.
showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
bijzonder nauwgezet, uiterst precies
the designs are hand-glazed with meticulous care | he had always been so meticulous about his appearance.
Uitstel gedrag
Verschuiving van dag tot dag
Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions, usually to avoid an uncomfortable or demanding situation. It involves intentionally putting off work that needs to be done, often opting for more enjoyable or less important activities instead. Procrastination can lead to increased stress, reduced productivity, and missed deadlines. Understanding the reasons behind procrastination and implementing strategies to overcome it can help improve time management and task completion.
Prime number
Positief getal, alleen deelbaar door zichzelf en door 1
(En Français: exacerbé)
make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse: the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem | the strong pound has exacerbated the situation by making it much harder for UK companies to compete on price.
Exacerbatie - (Lat. exacerbatio = verbittering, verscherping) beteekent, als medische term gebruikt: verergering van een ziekte-toestand
Video resolutions
- 480p (SD): 854x480 pixels
- 720p (HD): 1280x720 pixels
- 1080p (Full HD): 1920x1080 pixels
- 2160p (4K UHD): 3840x2160 pixels
- 4320p (8K UHD): 7680x4320 pixels
1440p (Quad HD): 2560x1440 pixels
The British government expressed grave reservations about the proposals.
DOUBT, qualm, scruple; MISGIVINGS, scepticism, unease, hesitation, hesitancy, demur, reluctance; objection; Law demurrer. ANTONYMS confidence.
Helder (vooral voor fysieke objecten maar kan ook voor bv een duidelijk en heldere schrijfwijze staan)
The pellucid stream flowed effortlessly through the verdant meadow.
The moonlight cast a pellucid glow on the tranquil lake.
The crystal-clear, pellucid waters of the Caribbean are a sight to behold.
The instructor delivered a pellucid lecture that captivated the students’ attention.
The pellucid sky allowed us to see millions of stars during our camping trip.
The artist’s brushstrokes created a pellucid depiction of a serene countryside.
We hiked up the mountain to enjoy the pellucid views of the surrounding landscape.
The morning mist gradually dissipated, revealing a pellucid view of the picturesque valley.
Afkeer van vrouwen
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women: she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny.
Voorstelling van mannelijk lid in toestand van erectie
Piraten vlag
Jolly Roger