Memory 1 Flashcards
Closed pack position
Position of a joint when it’s Articular surfaces are most closely congruent. Join is the most stable, no movement is possible.
Joint Mobs are CI’d as they would damage intra/extra Articular structures
Contraindication of Joint Mobs;
Neoplasm or at Dx'd lesion Bacterial infection Recent fracture Acute/active inflammatory and infective arthritis, (RA) Joint ankylosis Joint in closed pack postion Joint hyper mobility
Grades of Joint mobs associated to stage of healing
Grade 1 - ACUTE
Grade 2 - SUBACUTE
Grade 3 - CHRONIC
Grade 4 - CHRONIC
Heat Exhaustion vs Heat Stroked
Heat Exhaustion: (aka heat sycope)
- extreme physical fatigue from heat exposure
- profuse sweating, body temp normal
- decreased BP, Pulse, Resp rate
- cool, clammy skin, pallor
- decrease vasomotor tone, blood pooling in
Periphery, hypotension, cerebral anoxia
Heat Stroke: ** Medical emergency **
- body temp greater than 40* - CNS disturbance - dizzy, blurred vision, confusion, nausea, irritability - HOT, DRY, RED SKIN - Rapid pulse
Sunburn degrees
1st = mild redness 2nd = redness with blisters 3rd = redness, ulceration
Heat cramp
Strong involuntary mm contractions due to loss of fluids, electrolytes, or dehydration
Gait cycle:
Heel strike of one foot to heel strike of the same foot
Motor vs cognitive
Motor skills = quality of mvmt, Olympic power lifter
Cognitive skills = quality of decision making, coaching a team
When describing environmental predictability in relation to sport:
Open Skills vs Closed Skills
Open skills = performed in an unpredictable/variable
Environment. Ex: outdoor race, ski race, wrestling
Closed skills = performed in a stable environment. Ex: gymnasium,
Swimming pool, indoor stadium (variables are at a
Controlled level)
Range of Motion (Ch 3 of THEX)
Full motion between two bones or at joint
Osteokinematic mvmt
AAROM if needed
PROM - will not prevent atrophy
POP passive over pressure is used to asses the END FEEL of a jt
RROM - CI’s in acute phase - recommended for chronic stage of healing
Active Range of Motion gives the therapist in of on:
Mm strength
Nerve innervation
Passive Range of Motion gives the therapist in of on:
Integrity of Articular surfaces
Extensibility of joint capsule
Reliability definition:
The greater the predictability of the test, the greater the reliability of the test results
Intra-tester reliability
Results are compared by the SAME THERAPIST
IntER- tester reliability:
Results are compared by different testers
A prolonged application of cold to a sprain to the Achilles’ tendon would have the following affect:
- Sedative effect
- Decrease nerve conduction velocity (numbing, decrease Pain)
- Decrease motor Neuron impulses and mm spindle sensitivity = decreased spasm
- decrease elasticity of collagen fibres so tissues will become less pliable
Inverse Square Law
E= Illumination density I = Intensity of lamp D = Distance from source
Ex: by reducing the distance btw the lamp and client by half, it would increase the intensity/dosage of UV light by 400%
CI’s for UV Light Therapy
TB Heart Disease Arteriosclerosis Puss pockets Extreme fever Diabetic gangrene
Grades for manual mm testing (0-5)
5 - Normal - can maintain max isometric resistance for atleast 5 seconds (break test)
4 - Good - can maintain, but yields to break test
3 - Fair - can move against gravity ( must establish this before doing break test )
2 - Poor - can move with assistance
1 - Trace - only evidence of neural pathway, no mvmt
0 - No mvmt
3 Stages of Inflam S/Sx and duration:
1 - Acute, 24-48 hrs post injury 5 Cardinal signs: “SHARP”
( Swelling, Heat, Acute Inflam, Redness, Pain)
2 - Subacute 72 hrs - 3 wks
Regenerating phase, wound repairm dismissed Inflam, colou changes, ROM begins to increase but P with tissue resistance
3- Chronic, scar tissue and healing phase
Decreased visible sign of Inflam, ROM still affected but can now begin to work through
Inadequate O2 to tissue