Membrane Trafficking Flashcards
Srp54 recognises hydrophobic N-terminal signal sequence, halt translation
SRP docks on receptor, transfers protein through Sec61 translocon
GTP hydrolysis by SRP occurs after transfer
Folding and processing of soluble proteins in the ER
Signal peptidase in ER lumen, cleaves at AXA
BiP and chaperones facilitate folding
PDI mediates S-S bond formation
Glycosylated by N-linked oligosaccharide
Transmembrane proteins ER-targeting
Uses an uncleavable hydrophobic signal anchors that form part of the transmembrane a-helix - mediates lateral release
Positive residues stay on cytosolic side - determines orientation
Multi-pass proteins use the first a-helix as the anchor, and residues around it similarly determine orientation
ER export
Sec12 localised on ER membrane, and is a Sar1-GEF
Sec23/24 dimers are co-incidence detectors of Sar1-GTP and DxD diacidic motifs
Soluble cargo use cargo receptors
Sec13/31 dimers form the structural component, polymerises to complete the COP-II coat, buds off ER exit site
GTPase activity of Sar1 mediates uncoating
Fuses with ERGIC
Retrieval of ER proteins
Arf-1 GTPase recruits COP-I coatomer to ERGIC
Soluble ER proteins have C-terminal HDEL/KDEL sequence that is recognised by Erd2, cargo receptor, which recruits COP-I coatomer
HDEL/KDEL is necessary and sufficient for ER retention
(eg. BiP deletion of HDEL, adding HDEL to invertase)
Dibasic motifs of integral TM ER proteins directly recruit COP-I coatomer
COP-I coatomer itself becomes a coincidence detector for Arf-1 GTP and dibasic motifs
Sorting of enzymes within Golgi
Kin recognition - but conflicts with cisternal maturation as complexes are too large to enter anterograde complexes
Cholesterol and lipid content - increases from cis to trans, which could affect affinity of the transmembrane domain
Selective retrograde by COP-I vesicles - involves GOLPH3, which interacts with cytoplasmic tails of Golgi enzymes, PI4P, COP-I coat
Intra-Golgi transport
Vesicular transport - static compartments, characteristic enzymes. Secretory cargo transported cis-to-trans
Cisternal maturation - dynamic compartments that mature, with characteristic enzymes transported trans-to-cis in COP-I coated vesicles.
Vesicle budding from Golgi initially explained by vesicular transport
Live cell imaging shows maturation.
Endosomal Pathway
EE receives cargo from endocytic vesicle, and eventually stop receiving cargo.
Matures to become LE
Acidification by H+ pumps
Formation of intralumenal vesicles, and outward budding to recycle proteins to TGN
Homotypic fusion of LEs
LE and lysosome fusion
Kiss-and-run occurs initially
Fusion occurs later to form endolysosome
Lysosomes reformed by maturation, while LE contents are recycled by budding
Constitutive uptake of clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Transferrin (Tf) and LDL receptor undergo Constitutive uptake
Transferrin receptor has canonical AP-2 binding motif YXXΦ
LDL receptor is recognised by Dab2, which recruits AP-2.
Upon fusion with EE, acidification mediates cargo unloading.
Receptor is recycled by geometry-based sorting involving recycling endosome
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
AP-2 recruited to cytoplasmic face of receptor either directly or by an alternative adaptor
AP-2 recruits free triskelia and assembles into clathrin lattices
Invagination –> Clathrin-coated pit –> GTp hydrolysis by dynamin mediates pinching off
Uncoating by auxilin and HSC70, which hydrolyzes ATP
EGFR endocytosis
Binding of EGF –> ubiquitination of EGFR –> Epsin –> AP-2 –> Clathrin-mediated endocytosis –> Fusion with EE –> ESCRT machinery recognises ubiquitin,
ESCRT0/I/II coral receptors and prevent recycling
ESCRT III polymerisation drives inward budding, forming intralumenal vesicle
Terminates signalling, enables digestion
Lysosomal hydrolases
ER targeting, N-linked glycosylation
In cis-Golgi, signal patch mediates modification to form M6P signal
In TGN, M6P signal recognised by M6PR
GGAs or AP-1 adaptor proteins mediate clathrin coating, requiring Arf1
AP-1 recognises same motifs as AP-2
Fuse with early endosomes, pH decreases, dissociation of hydrolase, empty M6P receptors are returned in retromer-coated vesicles
Can also take alternate trafficking route via secretory pathway to PM, then endocytic pathway to EEs
Coincidence detection
AP-2 binds PI(4,5)P2 and YXXΦ (or an alternative adaptor)
Budding off clathrin-coated vesicle –> PIP2 is dephosphorylated –> lowers AP-2 binding affinity, aids uncoating
Sec23/24 dimer binds diacidic motifs and Sar1-GTP on ER surface
Rab Identity of EE, LE
Rab5-GTP on EE - recruits Rab5-GAP, Rab7-GEF.
Aids maturation of LE, which becomes coated by Rab7-GTP
PIP identity for PM and uncoating of clathrin vesicles
Clathrin recruits phosphotase for PI(4,5)P2, so AP-2 decreases binding affinity for the vesicle, aiding uncoating
Tethering factors
Long rod-like coiled coil on Golgi and EE.
Tethers from a long distance (eg. EEA1)
Multi-protein complexes - short-distances, promotes fusion and can directly interact with SNAREs
Recognises target vesicles or compartments through vesicle coats, Rab-GTPases, or PIPs
Recruitment of tethering machinery to EE
Rab5-GEF on early endosomes activate Rab5-GTP
Recruits effectors Rabaptin5, which stabilises Rab5 and Vps34, a PI3K which increases PI(3)P levels
EEA1 is recruited by PI3P and Rab5
SNAREs - function
Minimal machinery for fusion
Activated by MPCs
Confer specificity
Dissociation and recycling of SNAREs
a-SNAP binds the trans-SNARE complex
NSF undergoes ATP hydrolysis to break up SNARE complex
SNAREs are returned to original compartment in an inactive state
SNARE binding and example
Conserved helical domain - SNARE domain
Interact by forming stable coiled-coil complexes, zipping up to form a 4-helical bundle known as a trans-snare complex
vSNARE synaptobrevin on vesicle binds tSNARE SNAP-25 on PM in neurons