Invertebrate Development Flashcards
How is germline specified in C elegans
pie-1 in P-granules segregates with P-lineage.
Isolated P1, EMS, MS cells autonomously develop pharynx, but not AB cells
Mex1 Par1 mediates asym seg of skn1 into P1 cell
Skn1 mutants –> loss of pharynx
mex1 par1 mutants –> AB cell accumulates Skn1, forms excess pharynx
P-lineage does not form pharynx, even though Skn1 is present.
Pie1 suppresses Skn1.
pie1 mutants –> P2 cells become EMS cells, forming excess pharynx
EMS cell divides into MS and E cell
pop-1 represses E-cell fate in MS-cells, and is localised in the nucleus only MS-cells but not MS-cells
(Transcription level shown to be the same using a reporter)
pop1 mutants result in formation of 2 E-cells
MS-cell takes on E-cell fate even when all other cells are ablated, shows that it is cell-autonomous
How is EMS division polarised
mom2 on P2 cell binds mom5 on EMS cell, which represses pop1 in destined E-cell
Dissociation of 4-cell embryo >10min before division = both MS cells.
<10min before division = E+MS cell
MUST reassociate EMS with P2 >10min before division for normal development of E+MS.
Mosaic - WT P2 cell replaces P2 cell of mom2- 4-cell embryo can result in normal development
mom2 represses pop1: mom2 mutant has POP1 nuclear localisation in both cells
Double mutants take on E-cell fate
How AB cell can develop pharynx?
Isolated AB cell does not form pharynx autonomously - requires signal from EMS cell
Ablation of EMS cell results in no pharynx formation at all.
Reversing position of ABa and ABp - no effect; suggests developmentally equivalent
How ABa and ABp are made different
P2 cell contacts ABp - supplies it with APX1 ligand, which binds and inactivates GLP-1 (Delta-Notch)
ABp progeny is made insensitive to the MS-derived signal that induces anterior pharynx formation - so only ABa progeny makes anterior pharynx
APX-1- have excess anterior pharynx
GLP1- do not form anterior pharynx
How anchor cell is chosen?
Anchor cell - VUP lateral inhibition
lag2 is the Delta-ligand, lin12 is the Notch receptor
Cell lineage analysis –> 50% of either possibility
Mosaic organisms with one lin12- mutant and one WT cell –> lin12 mutant always becomes anchor cell
lag2 lin12 double mutants –> Two anchor cells
How is vulva formed using morphogens?
AC secretes LIN3, binds to Let23 on VPCs - morphogen gradient
Moving 3o VPC to a central position makes it take on 1o cell fate
All VPCs are ablated except 1 - still takes on correct fate
Lin3 under a heat shock promoter - all cells ablated except P7.p, fate corresponds to level of heat shock
Lateral inhibition / induction of VPCs
P6.p VPC sends a signal to adjacent VPCs to take on 2o fate via lin-12 receptor
In mosaics with all VPCs being Let23- mutants except the central VPC, vulva develops normally.
lin15 mutants (constitutive let23 signalling) - alternating 1o and 2o fates
lin12 GOF mutation - 2o cells
lin12 LOF mutation - no 2o cell
Formation of neuroblast
Proneural cluster - a single cell delaminates and becomes neuroblast, which contributes to the ventral nerve cord while others become epidermal cells
AS-C induces Delta expression –> Notch receptor –> Represses AS-C activity
Division of neuroblast
Asymmetric division - Prospero, NUMB, BRAT are segregated into GMC by Par complex
Limits GMC division to just one more cell division
Neuroblast clock
Fate of every GMC is different despite coming from the same parent neuroblast
Neuroblast clock - temporal regulation of transcription factors expressed in the NB, changing every cell cycle - hb then Kruppel
Hb mutants affect the first GMC, Kr mutants affect the second.
Hb or Kr overexpression mutants affect all the following GMCs from the neuroblasts
A-P axis specification in the oocyte
gurken mRNA transported from nurse cells to oocyte, localised near the nucleus, translated
Signals to posterior follicle cells through torpedo, which signals to the oocyte to form MTs with ‘+’ ends in the posterior pole
Localisation of mRNA and proteins in the oocyte
Bicoid mRNA and protein in the anterior
Oskar mRNA and protein the anterior
Nanos mRNA (bound by oskar protein, promotes translation) and protein in the anterior
Caudal protein in the posterior (translation repressed in anterior)
hb protein in the anterior (translation repressed in the posterior)
Torso activated in the termini
Gap genes
Giant / hb / Kruppel / Knirps / Giant / hb
Tailless in the termini
Gap genes undergo mutual inhibition to sharpen expression domains
Giant induced by high bicoid or by high caudal - so expressed in two broad domains
Pair-rule genes
In syncytial blastoderm
Eve stripe 2 - repressed by Giant and Kruppel, induced by bicoid and hb
Ftz and eve - out-of-phase expression
Primary pair-rule genes mediate expression of secondary pair-rule genes via zebra enhancers (not stripe-specific)
Segment polarity genes
Even-number engrailed aligh with front of ftz
Odd-numbered engrailed with front of eve
Maintenance of expression uses feedback loops
Engrailed induces expresion and secretion of Hh on neighbouring cells, activates Wingless expression and secretion, which activates Engrailed expression
Hox gene expression
2 regions of chromosome 3 - co-linear with A-P axis
Posterior ‘dominates’ over the anterior Hox genes - LOF of Hox genes can lead to expansion of segment identity of the more anterior segment
Polycomb –> Maintains H3K27me3
Trithorax -> maintains H3K4me3
D-V patterning
Loss of deticles –> dorsalisation
Gurken polarises dorsal follicle cells - which inhibits Pipe synthesis of dorsal follicle cells
Pipe signal from follicle cells induces expression of Dorsal which activates twist and snail expression while repression Dpp and Tld
Dpp and Tld localised to the dorsal side. Antagonism by Sog ensures Dpp remains in the Dorsal pole