Membrane Potential Flashcards
Potential is measured in what? What does it allow?
Gives the ability to do work via separation of charge
Resting membrane potential
Is it active?
What is an excitable cell?
Normal charge of an excitable cell?
Is this in steady state or equilibrium ?
Cell at rest = inactive
An excitable cell == the inside is NEGATIVE
This would be in steady state, NOT equilibrium!
Movement of membrane potential towards zero!
Movement of membrane potential away from zero!
Current =
What is it measured in???
Movement of charge
Measured in Amperes (A)!
Movement specifically of ions!!!
Resistance (R) =
What is it measured in?
Opposition of the flow of charge!!
Measured in Ohms!
Ohm’s Law….
Voltage = Current x Resisistance
V = I x R
Voltage –> Potential!!!!!
What letter represents this?
What are the units?
What is the relationship of conductance with resistance?
= ease of flow of a current through an ion channel!
Symbol == g
Units == Siemens (S)
Inverse of resistance
== g=1/R
Takes into account ALL IONS!!!
Na+/K+ Pump…..
What is the electronic effect???
3 Na+ OUT
2 K+ IN
+1 electronic effect outside of the cell
What are the 2 roles of the resting membrane potential???
- Indirect = MOST IMPORTANT – the fact that there is a gradient that exists (more Na+ outside and K+ inside)
- Direct = electrogenic effect
- — the pump puts 1 net Na+ outside the cell
What does Digitalis do???!
Inhibits the Na+/K+ Pump!
Blocking this will cause a small Shift/depolarization
Only by 5-10 mV!
Ion distribution…
Know amount in/out and also the relative permeability!
Organic A-?
- 5 IN, 145 OUT
- perm = 1
- 145 IN, 5 OUT
- Perm = 50-75!!!!
Organic A-
- 140 IN, 0 OUT
- Perm = 0
- 10 IN, 150 OUT
- Perm = 1
Equilibrium reversal potential
= voltage that it would equilibrate at
Nernst Equation?
What does it solve for?
Ex = 61/z x log (Conc. Out/Conc In)
Z = charge of ion!!
It solves for the equilibrium potential… or voltage at which the ion will be in equilibrium!
Does Na+ or K+ have a higher resting permeability?
K+ has a much higher resting permeability because the cell is much more permeable to K+
What is the number 1 contributor to membrane potential?
K+ moves out of the cell a lot due to high permeability. This creates the negative charge inside the cell!!
Electrogenic effect accounts for how much charge difference?
5-10 mV!
The smaller the Na+ Permeability….
The closer Em will be to Em