Melody/Harmony Flashcards
what does atonal mean
• no feeling of key
• used in horror movies
• sounds like zelda
what is the chord progression
• I ,IV ,V ,VI
what does chromatic mean
• notes which move by the interval of a semitone
what is a cluster
• a note made of consecutive notes which clash
• used in horror movies
what’s contrary motion
• two parts which move in opposite directions
what is counter melody
• a melody played against the main melody
• sounds like call and respond
what is a descant (voice)
• a melody which is sung above the main melody
• a voice that stands out
what does glissando mean
• sliding from one note to another
what is a grace note
• A type of ornament played as a quick, crushed note before the main note of a melody
what’s an imperfect cadence
• a piece that sounds unfinished
• doesn’t end on home chord (chord I)
what is an inverted pedal
• a note held or repeated in an upper part
what does melismatic mean
• vocal music where several noted are sung to each syllable
• opposite of sylabic
what is a modulation
• a change of key
• heard in love on top by Beyonce
what is a perfect cadence
chord VI at the end, it sounds finished
what is a pitch bend
• changing the pitch of a note, for example, pushing a guitar string upwards
what is a semitone
• the smallest step between two notes, usually white to black note (and vice versa)
• unless it’s B to C and E to F, that’s a semitone but there’s no black note inbetween
what does syllabic mean
• vocal music where each note is given to one syllabe
○ opposite of melismatic
what is a tone
• two semitones
• a note 2 notes apart, can be white to white note, or black to black note
what is a trill
• an ornament
• moving quickly anf repeatedly between adjacent notes
what is a whole tone scale
• a scale where every interval is a tone. it sounds vague