Melanoma Flashcards
Precursors of Melanoma
Dysplastic melanocytic nevi
Congenital melanocytic nevi
Dysplastic melanocytic nevus
onset: child and adult White AD 30-50% in non familial melanoma Trunk; extremities Diameter upto 15mm
Larger and more variegated in color, asym-
metricinoutline,andwithirregularborders;theyalsohavecharacteristichistologic eatures
(out of step)
“fried egg, targetoid”
DERMATOPATHOLOGY Hyperplasia and proli era- tiono melanocytesinasingle- le,“lentiginous” pattern in the basal cell layer either as spindle cells or as epithelioid cells, and as irregular and dyshesive nests. “Atypical” melanocytes, “bridg- ing” between rete ridges by melanocytic nests; spindle-shaped melanocytes oriented parallel to skin sur ace. Lamellar broplasia and concentric eosinophilic brosis (not a constant eature). Histologic atypia do not always correlate with clinical atypia. DN may arise in contiguity with a compound MN (rarely, a junctional nevus) that is centrally located.
Tx: Surgical excision of lesions with narrow margins
Lifetime Risks of Developing Primary Malignant Melanoma
General population: 1.2%.
■ Familial DN syndrome with two blood
■ All other patients with DN: 18
Congenital melanocytic nevus
Birth equal all races developmental defect in neural crest- derived melanoblasts- Within 10 weeks to 6 months inutero Split nevus- (before 24 weeks)
PE / plaque with or without coarse ter- minal dark brown or black hairs
sharply demarcated
large lesions wormy or soft
Skin surface smooth or “peb- bly,”mamillated,rugose,cerebriorm,bulbous, tuberous, or lobular
HISTOPATHOLOGY Nevomelanocytes occur as well-ordered clusters (theques) in the epidermis and in the dermis as sheets, nests, or cords. A di use in ltration o strands o nevomelanocytes in the lower one-third o the reticular dermis and subcutis is, when present, quite speci c or CMN. In large and giant CMN, the nevomelanocytes may extend into the muscle, bone, dura mater, and cranium.
Tx: excision w full thickness graft
lifetime risk or development of melanoma in largeCMN
Poor prognosis- detected late
50% prod melanoma at 3-5 yo.
Lifetime risk of developing Malignant melanoma (Small CMN)
Cutaneous Melanoma. How many percent of newly diagnosed cancer in men and women
most malignant tumor of skin
5%- men
6% women
Major genes involved in melanoma and mutation.
Chrom 9p21
cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A( CDKN 2A) -40%
Mutation in BRAF and MC1R - 60%
Melanoma skin type
Melanoma (RF )
■ n mb (>50) d iz (>5mm) m cicvi
Number of dysplastic nevi (>5)
T in staging does not apply to what type of melanoma
Frequency of melanoma by type of tumor:
SSM, 70%; NM, 15%; LMM, 5%; and acralandunclassi edmelanoma,10%
Lentigo maligna when there is already invasion to the dermis is called:
inc. what skin types
Gray and blue areas rep what?
Med 65
Face, neck, dorsa of forearms and hands
Skin type 123
LMMistheappearanceo variegatedred, white,andblueandalsoo papules,plaques, or nodules (Fig. 12-10B). T us, LMM is the sameasLMplus(1)grayareas(indicate ocal regression) and blue areas [indicating dermal pigment (melanocytes or melanin)] and (2) papules or nodules, which may be blue, black, or pink
DP: Melanocytes atypical, single layer in basal layer
TX: Very early: Imiquimod
excise 1cm beyond lesion
Sentinel node in >1mm thickness
Superficial Spreading Melanoma
What areas? Morphology. age. Gender. Skin type
Upper back.
Morph: elevated, at lesion (plaque). The pigment variegation o SSM
issimilarto,butmorestrikingthan,thevarietyo colorpresentinmostLMM.Thecolordisplayisa mixtureo brown,darkbrown,black,blue,andred,withslate-grayorgrayregionsinareaso tumor regression.
30-50 (med 37)
Type 1,2