cancer Flashcards
Basal cell nevus syndrome
Chom 9q(9,22)
Begin: Childhoodc early adolesence
Characteristic general eatures are rontal bossing, a broad nasal root, and hypertelorism
Tumors on the eyelids,axillae,and necktend to be pedunculated and are often symmetric on the face.palmoplantar lesions ,whicharepresentin50%
small pits thatare pinpoint tos everal millimeters insizeand 1mmdeep
Continue throughout life.
Merkel cell CA
White skin
Polyoma virus -80% found in merkel
high recurrence, spreads in lymph node in 50% more of pxs.
Pe: cutaneoustosubcutaneouspapule,nodule,ortumor(0.5to5cm)
re d t o v i o l e t o r r e d d i s h - b r o w n , d o m e - s h a p e d , a n d u s u a l l y s o l i t a r y
Dermatopathology shows nodular or dif use patterns o aggregated, deeply blue staining, small
basaloid or lymphoma-like-looking cells that can also be arranged in sheets orming nests, cords,
and trabeculae.
Tx: Excision, mohs and sentinel node biopsy