Medulla oblongata Flashcards
ventral grooves
fissura mediana anterior : pyramis medullae oblongatae on both sides (contains tractus corticospinalis), decussatio pyramidum (75-90%) of fibers pass to the other side
sulcus anterolateralis: CN 12 nervus hypoglossus emerges
sulcus retroolivaris: CN10 nervus vagus CN9 nervus accessorius and CN11 nervus glossopharyngeus emerge
dorsal grooves + structures
fossa rhomboidea in upper part
sulcus medianus posterior
fasciculus gracilis + tuberculum gracilis
fasciculus cuneatus + tuberculum cuneatum
pedunculus cerebellaris inferior laterally in the upper part of medulla to cerebellum
grey substance
nuclei craniales nucleus gracilis nucleus cuneatus nucleus cuneatus accessorius nuclei olivares inferiores nucleus olivaris superior (mostly in pons though) formatio reticularis nucleus arcuatus
nuclei craniales
CN 12, CN 11, CN10, CN9, partly CN5 and CN8 (in fossa rhomboidea)
nucleus gracilis
in tuberculum gracilis
2nd neuron of conscious proprioception and fine touch sensation, from lower part of the body (below T7)
nucleus cuneatus
in tuberculum cuneatum
2nd neuron of conscious proprioception and fine touch sensation, from upper part of the body
nuclei olivares inferiores
coordination of movement, cerebellar motor learning
afferents from tractus rubroolivaris (nucleus ruber) and tractus spinoolivaris (unconscious proprioceptive information)
axons form tractus olivospinalis and tractus olivocerebellaris (balance regulation, via pedunculus cerebellaris inferior to cortex cerebellii)
nucleus olivaris superior
mainly in pons
part of auditory system
nucleus cuneatus accessorius
functionally homologus to Clarke’s column
also 2nd order neurons of subconscious proprioceptive pathway (fibrae cuneocerebellares)
nucleus arcuatus
in the pyramids
axons form striae medullares ventriculi quatri (border between medulla and pons, in the middle of fossa rhomboidea)
–> cross to the other side in the middle of fossa rhomboidea and reach cerebellum through pedunculi cerebellares inferiores
white substance: ascending tracts
fasciculus gracilis fasciculus cuneatus fibrae cuneocerebellares tractus spinothalamicus lateralis tractus spinothalamixus anterior tractus spinocerebellaris posterior tractus spinocerebellaris anterior tractus spinoolivaris
fasciculus gracilis
conscious proprioceptive sense and fine touch sensation
composed of axons of pseudounipolar neurons of the spinal ganglion –> synapse with 2nd neuron in nucleus gracilis –> axons form fibrae arcuatae internae –> fibers cross at decussatio lemnisci medialis –> ascend as lemniscus medialis
lemniscus medialis travels to thalamus and synapses with 3rd order neurons
fasciculus cuneatus
conscious proprioceptive sense and fine touch sensation
composed of axons of pseudounipolar neurons of the spinal ganglion –> synapse with 2nd neuron in nucleus cuneatus –> axons form fibrae arcuatae internae –> fibers cross at decussatio lemnisci medialis –> ascend as lemniscus medialis
lemniscus medialis travels to thalamus and synapses with 3rd order neurons
fibrae cuneocerebellares
axons of nucleus cuneatus accessorius
subconscious proprioceptive impulses from lower limbs to cerebellum via inferior cerebellar peduncule
tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
pain and temperature sensation
ascend as spinal lemniscus to synapse at the thalamus