Cerebellum Flashcards
Cerebellar nuclei
- nucleus dentatus
- nucleus emboliformis
- nucleus globosus
- nucleus fastigii
Nucleus dentatus
projects to nucleus ruber and ventrolateral (VL) thalamic nuclei (cerebellothalamic tract)
coordination of limb movements
Nucleus emboliformis
emboliformis + globosus = nucleus interpositus
Nucleus globosus
globosus + emboliformis = nucleus interpositus
Nucleus interpositus
projects to nucleus ruber (cerebellorubral tract)
coordination of trunk movements
flocculonodular lobe
balance and eye movements
input from vestibular nuclei
Purkinje fibers to nucleus fastigii
anterior lobe
muscle tone and movements of axial and limb muscles
input from tractus spinocerebellaris anterior et posterior
Purkinje fibers to nucleus fastigii
posterior lobe
CEREBROCEREBELLUM (pontocerebellum)
planning movements and precise movements of upper limb
input from tractus corticopontocerebellaris
Purkinje fibers to nucleus interpositus and nucleus dentatus
mossy fibers
originate from pontine nuclei, spinal cord (tractus spinocerebellaris), reticular formation and vestibular nuclei
excitatory projections with cerebellar nuclei and GRANULAR CELLS
climbing fibers
originate from inferior olive of medulla
excitatory projections with cerebellar nuclei and PURKINJE CELLS
afferent fibers of cerebellar cortex
tractus olivocerebellaris (climbing fibers)
tractus spinocerebellaris anterior et posterior (mossy fibers)
tractus pontocerebellaris
nuclei vestibulare
formatio reticularis
efferent fibers of nucleus interpositus et nucleus dentatus
via penduculi cerebellares superiores
tractus cerebellothalamicus (to VL thalamic nuclei and then to cerebral cortex)
tractus cerebrorubralis (to nucleus ruber)
efferent fibers of nucleus fastigii
via pedunculi cerebellares inferiores
nuclei vestibulares, tractus cerebellovestibularis
formatio reticularis (pontine & medullary), tractus cerebelloreticularis
nucleus fastigii
projects to nuclei vestibulares and reticular formation
pedunculi cerebellares inferiores
tractus spinocerebellaris posterior: unconscious proprioceptive information from lower trunk & limb
tractus cuneocerebellaris: unconscious proprioceptive information from upper limb and neck (from nucleus cuneatus accessorius in medulla oblongata)
tractus trigeminocerebellaris: unconscious proprioceptive information from face (from nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini)
tractus olivocerebellaris
tractus vestibulocerebellaris
tractus reticulocerebellaris
tractus cerebellovestibularis (nucleus fastigii) tractus cerebelloreticularis (nucleus fastigii)