meds contraindications Flashcards
side effects Very transit Facial Flushing dizziness headache as SOB, chest pain EKG will show a sinus pause also transit;warn the pt these S/Ss may appear and be but they quickly go away
contraindications- Second or third degree AV block;sick sinus syndrome;recognized a.fib or a.flutter; taking persantine or tegretol:
Allergy to albuterol
side effects palpitation anxiety dizziness, nervousness, tremor, HTN, arrhythmia chest pain, nausea, vomiting
caution–Should be used with caution in patients with cardiac disorders arrhythmias, acute HTN, if worsening vitlas stop administration, consult radioM.D. –bronchospasm can occur immediately after administration of drug (rare)
contraindication Polymorphic V.tac(torsades),cardiogenic shock low BP poor perfusion rales if question consult medical advice: symptomatic sinus bradycardia; second or third degree heart block without pacemaker immediately available
cautious–beta blocker or calcium channel blocker OD (increases risk of hypotension and/or bradycardia); electrolyte imbalance particularly hypokalemia/hypomagneseima; arrhythmias due to drug overdose preferably treat those lidocaine or magnesium
Adverse reactions- if hypotension occurs stop infusion consult med. adv. If no improvement give fluids and dopamine; brady stop entirely consult med. adv. If no improvement external pacer should be use: worsening of development of arrhythmias (torsade) or widening of qtc; heart failure
contraindication–allergy to aspirin; active gastric ulcers; GI bleed; bleeding disorders (hemophilia); children
Adverse effects– stomach damage or GI bleeding; other internal bleeding such a stroke; allergic reactions including anaphylaxis; facial/airway edema chest tightness; itching; bronchospasm; ringing in the ears with higher doses
Contraindication-tachycardia pacing is usually preferable myocardial ischemia or infarction Adverse effects-can cause tachyarrhythmia increase cardiac ischemia worsen or cause MI
Contra indications allergy to drug; use a MAO inhibitors; newborn preterm neonates breast-feeding;
cautious use Asthma COPD or CNS depressant including alcohol
Adverse reaction Profound sedation and coordination; confusion; anxious; tremor; seizure; diplopia; blurred vision; N/V; thickening of secretions allergic/anaphylaxis
calcium chloride
contraindication consult radio MD if patient takes the digoxion/lanoxin; flush both before and after drug administration particularly sodium bicarbonate
calcium cloride
side effect Can cause dysrhythmias particularly bradycardia and asystole, leaking out into the surrounding tissues can cause tissue necrosis; to rapid administration may cause slowing of the heart rate or results in spasm of coronary or cerebral arteries
cardizem (diltiazem)
contraindication; BP
cardizem (diltiazem)
side effect Asymptomatic /symptomatic hypotension; localized site reaction flushing; various arrhythmias including PVCs; treat adverse reactions per protocol, consult with radio md
charcoal (activated)
Contraindications AG CS
charcoal (activated)
untoward effects Nausea or vomiting; aspiration; constipation
Contraindication none when indicated
Serious side effects increase BP; allergic reactions/anaphylasix
untoward effects-CNS (headache dizziness restless memory problems) G.I. (nausea vomiting diarrhea stomach trouble swallowing bloody stools) circulatory (irregular/ tachycardia)respiratory (PE, rales)soft tissue (infusions site reaction swollen feet/ankles red color skin/mucous membrane)
contraindication Head injury or CVA unless glucometer reading is 60 unless consult radio m.d. first
adverse effects Tromobophletis; tissue necrosis; worsening of head injury/ CVA/ cerebral edma
Contraindications trauma; hemmorhage shock unless drug is order by radio physician
caution dopamine can cause tissue inflammation with necrosis if contact with vein; careful assessment to consider most likely underlying cause; if due to hypovolemia or sepsis treatment must start with IV fluid boluses; if low BP is caused by rapid a.fib cardioversion may be needed see appropriate protocol
contraindication– not to be given with a pulse adverse effects— can cause tachycardia with or without a pulse
Epi subq/im
contraindication– known coronary artery disease adverse effects— may cause tachydysrhythmias ventricular fibrilation/death; may cause cardiac ischemia or MI
Epi drip
contraindication–PT having ischemia or stemi on EKG Caution(contact med advisor if needed)–may cause tachycardias, lethal arrhythmias such as a.fib(decrease or discontinue if significant PVCs occur, may cause MI decrease if new st elevation occurs
contraindication allergy; can not be given IM
adverse effects-less likely then benzodiazepines but serious cardiorespiratory effects are still possible including decreased tidal vol.; decreased resp. rate; apnea change in blood-pressure/pulse; respiratory depression airway obstruction O2 desaturation respiratory or cardiac arrest this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
contraindication–known hypersensitivity; known history of pheochromocytoma; allergic S/Ss after initial goals
side efffects; occasional nausea and vomiting dizziness allergic reaction transit rise in pulse/BP,half-life short 3-6minutes so treatment is not usually necessary
contraindication PT patient not awake and aware and or patient unable to maintain own airway patient is showing signs of gaging or vomiting or not tolerating the taste volume
hurricane spray
contraindication Known hypersensitivity to “caine” anthestics; application to the area that are inflame with open wounds; application under dentures pieces of cotton or other applicators; applications to or around eyes
hurricane spray
side effects –diminish or loss of gag resulting in difficulty or inability to swallow; increased risk of aspiration need for suction dry and Scarring mucous membranes will prolong contact Ray are associated with those about equal to two seconds Comptons are final
contraindication–Hypotension; known dehydration; known in the electrolyte in balance
caution -perform careful asses.& validate that S/S are from cardiogenic PE as well as to rule out other causes rales like pneumonia, aspiration, toxic inhalation ect. discussed unexpected s/s with med.adv. before administrating frequent BP are needed between doses; protect from light
contraindication–hypersensitivity to local anesthesia; heart blocks; ventricular originated rhythms (idioventricular); bradycardia
caution–monitor for toxicity; give over 1-2 minutes in pt with a pulse: do not halves boluses for those over 70y/o, or with liver diseases adverse effects—hypotension, seizure CNS effects*****never give lido to pt with escape beats(contraindication)
mag sulfate
contraindication—heart blocks; cautious use with renal failure although when indicated with dysrhythmia it may be use with medical advisor for specific order side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, rsp depression with toxic dose
mag sulfate
side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, resp depression (with toxic dose)
contraindications- Second or third degree AV block;sick sinus syndrome;recognized a.fib or a.flutter; taking persantine or tegretol:
side effects Very transit Facial Flushing dizziness headache as SOB, chest pain EKG will show a sinus pause also transit;warn the pt these S/Ss may appear and be but they quickly go away
Allergy to albuterol
side effects palpitation anxiety dizziness, nervousness, tremor, HTN, arrhythmia chest pain, nausea, vomiting
caution–Should be used with caution in patients with cardiac disorders arrhythmias, acute HTN, if worsening vitlas stop administration, consult radioM.D. –bronchospasm can occur immediately after administration of drug (rare)
contraindication Polymorphic V.tac(torsades),cardiogenic shock low BP poor perfusion rales if question consult medical advice: symptomatic sinus bradycardia; second or third degree heart block without pacemaker immediately available
cautious–beta blocker or calcium channel blocker OD (increases risk of hypotension and/or bradycardia); electrolyte imbalance particularly hypokalemia/hypomagneseima; arrhythmias due to drug overdose preferably treat those lidocaine or magnesium
Adverse reactions- if hypotension occurs stop infusion consult med. adv. If no improvement give fluids and dopamine; brady stop entirely consult med. adv. If no improvement external pacer should be use: worsening of development of arrhythmias (torsade) or widening of qtc; heart failure
contraindication–allergy to aspirin; active gastric ulcers; GI bleed; bleeding disorders (hemophilia); children
Adverse effects– stomach damage or GI bleeding; other internal bleeding such a stroke; allergic reactions including anaphylaxis; facial/airway edema chest tightness; itching; bronchospasm; ringing in the ears with higher doses
Contraindication-tachycardia pacing is usually preferable myocardial ischemia or infarction Adverse effects-can cause tachyarrhythmia increase cardiac ischemia worsen or cause MI
Contra indications allergy to drug; use a MAO inhibitors; newborn preterm neonates breast-feeding;
cautious use Asthma COPD or CNS depressant including alcohol
Adverse reaction Profound sedation and coordination; confusion; anxious; tremor; seizure; diplopia; blurred vision; N/V; thickening of secretions allergic/anaphylaxis
contraindication consult radio MD if patient takes the digoxion/lanoxin; flush both before and after drug administration particularly sodium bicarbonate
calcium chloride
side effect Can cause dysrhythmias particularly bradycardia and asystole, leaking out into the surrounding tissues can cause tissue necrosis; to rapid administration may cause slowing of the heart rate or results in spasm of coronary or cerebral arteries
calcium cloride
contraindication; BP
cardizem (diltiazem)
side effect Asymptomatic /symptomatic hypotension; localized site reaction flushing; various arrhythmias including PVCs; treat adverse reactions per protocol, consult with radio md
cardizem (diltiazem)
Contraindications AG CS
charcoal (activated)
untoward effects Nausea or vomiting; aspiration; constipation
charcoal (activated)
Contraindication none when indicated
Serious side effects increase BP; allergic reactions/anaphylasix
untoward effects-CNS (headache dizziness restless memory problems) G.I. (nausea vomiting diarrhea stomach trouble swallowing bloody stools) circulatory (irregular/ tachycardia)respiratory (PE, rales)soft tissue (infusions site reaction swollen feet/ankles red color skin/mucous membrane)
contraindication Head injury or CVA unless glucometer reading is 60 unless consult radio m.d. first
adverse effects Tromobophletis; tissue necrosis; worsening of head injury/ CVA/ cerebral edma
Contraindications trauma; hemmorhage shock unless drug is order by radio physician
Contraindications trauma; hemmorhage shock unless drug is order by radio physician
caution dopamine can cause tissue inflammation with necrosis if contact with vein; careful assessment to consider most likely underlying cause; if due to hypovolemia or sepsis treatment must start with IV fluid boluses; if low BP is caused by rapid a.fib cardioversion may be needed see appropriate protocol
contraindication– not to be given with a pulse adverse effects— can cause tachycardia with or without a pulse
contraindication– known coronary artery disease adverse effects— may cause tachydysrhythmias ventricular fibrilation/death; may cause cardiac ischemia or MI
Epi subq/im
contraindication– known coronary artery disease adverse effects— may cause tachydysrhythmias ventricular fibrilation/death; may cause cardiac ischemia or MI
Epi subq/im
contraindication–PT having ischemia or stemi on EKG Caution(contact med advisor if needed)–may cause tachycardias, lethal arrhythmias such as a.fib(decrease or discontinue if significant PVCs occur, may cause MI decrease if new st elevation occurs
Epi drip
contraindication–PT having ischemia or stemi on EKG Caution(contact med advisor if needed)–may cause tachycardias, lethal arrhythmias such as a.fib(decrease or discontinue if significant PVCs occur, may cause MI decrease if new st elevation occurs
Epi drip
contraindication allergy; can not be given IM
contraindication allergy; can not be given IM
adverse effects-less likely then benzodiazepines but serious cardiorespiratory effects are still possible including decreased tidal vol.; decreased resp. rate; apnea change in blood-pressure/pulse; respiratory depression airway obstruction O2 desaturation respiratory or cardiac arrest this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
adverse effects-less likely then benzodiazepines but serious cardiorespiratory effects are still possible including decreased tidal vol.; decreased resp. rate; apnea change in blood-pressure/pulse; respiratory depression airway obstruction O2 desaturation respiratory or cardiac arrest this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
contraindication–known hypersensitivity; known history of pheochromocytoma; allergic S/Ss after initial goals
contraindication–known hypersensitivity; known history of pheochromocytoma; allergic S/Ss after initial goals
side efffects; occasional nausea and vomiting dizziness allergic reaction transit rise in pulse/BP,half-life short 3-6minutes so treatment is not usually necessary
side efffects; occasional nausea and vomiting dizziness allergic reaction transit rise in pulse/BP,half-life short 3-6minutes so treatment is not usually necessary
contraindication PT patient not awake and aware and or patient unable to maintain own airway patient is showing signs of gaging or vomiting or not tolerating the taste volume
contraindication PT patient not awake and aware and or patient unable to maintain own airway patient is showing signs of gaging or vomiting or not tolerating the taste volume
contraindication Known hypersensitivity to “caine” anthestics; application to the area that are inflame with open wounds; application under dentures pieces of cotton or other applicators; applications to or around eyes
hurricane spray
contraindication Known hypersensitivity to “caine” anthestics; application to the area that are inflame with open wounds; application under dentures pieces of cotton or other applicators; applications to or around eyes
hurricane spray
side effects –diminish or loss of gag resulting in difficulty or inability to swallow; increased risk of aspiration need for suction dry and Scarring mucous membranes will prolong contact Ray are associated with those about equal to two seconds Comptons are final
hurricane spray
side effects –diminish or loss of gag resulting in difficulty or inability to swallow; increased risk of aspiration need for suction dry and Scarring mucous membranes will prolong contact Ray are associated with those about equal to two seconds Comptons are final
hurricane spray
contraindication–Hypotension; known dehydration; known in the electrolyte in balance
contraindication–Hypotension; known dehydration; known in the electrolyte in balance
caution -perform careful asses.& validate that S/S are from cardiogenic PE as well as to rule out other causes rales like pneumonia, aspiration, toxic inhalation ect. discussed unexpected s/s with med.adv. before administrating frequent BP are needed between doses; protect from light
contraindication–hypersensitivity to local anesthesia; heart blocks; ventricular originated rhythms (idioventricular); bradycardia
caution–monitor for toxicity; give over 1-2 minutes in pt with a pulse: do not halves boluses for those over 70y/o, or with liver diseases adverse effects—hypotension, seizure CNS effects*****never give lido to pt with escape beats(contraindication)
contraindication—heart blocks; cautious use with renal failure although when indicated with dysrhythmia it may be use with medical advisor for specific order side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, rsp depression with toxic dose
mag sulfate
contraindication—heart blocks; cautious use with renal failure although when indicated with dysrhythmia it may be use with medical advisor for specific order side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, rsp depression with toxic dose
mag sulfate
side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, resp depression (with toxic dose)
mag sulfate
side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, resp depression (with toxic dose)
mag sulfate
Contraindications trauma; hemmorhage shock unless drug is order by radio physician
Epi subq/im
contraindication– known coronary artery disease adverse effects— may cause tachydysrhythmias ventricular fibrilation/death; may cause cardiac ischemia or MI
Epi drip
contraindication–PT having ischemia or stemi on EKG Caution(contact med advisor if needed)–may cause tachycardias, lethal arrhythmias such as a.fib(decrease or discontinue if significant PVCs occur, may cause MI decrease if new st elevation occurs
contraindication allergy; can not be given IM
adverse effects-less likely then benzodiazepines but serious cardiorespiratory effects are still possible including decreased tidal vol.; decreased resp. rate; apnea change in blood-pressure/pulse; respiratory depression airway obstruction O2 desaturation respiratory or cardiac arrest this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
this affects are usually short-lived, if they happen at all must be managed until the patient can manage their airway on their own or respond to fluids and or other shock measures
contraindication–known hypersensitivity; known history of pheochromocytoma; allergic S/Ss after initial goals
side efffects; occasional nausea and vomiting dizziness allergic reaction transit rise in pulse/BP,half-life short 3-6minutes so treatment is not usually necessary
contraindication PT patient not awake and aware and or patient unable to maintain own airway patient is showing signs of gaging or vomiting or not tolerating the taste volume
hurricane spray
contraindication Known hypersensitivity to “caine” anthestics; application to the area that are inflame with open wounds; application under dentures pieces of cotton or other applicators; applications to or around eyes
hurricane spray
side effects –diminish or loss of gag resulting in difficulty or inability to swallow; increased risk of aspiration need for suction dry and Scarring mucous membranes will prolong contact Ray are associated with those about equal to two seconds Comptons are final
contraindication–Hypotension; known dehydration; known in the electrolyte in balance
mag sulfate
contraindication—heart blocks; cautious use with renal failure although when indicated with dysrhythmia it may be use with medical advisor for specific order side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, rsp depression with toxic dose
mag sulfate
side effects; flushing, sweating, hyporeflexia,diaphoresis, hypotension, resp depression (with toxic dose)