meds actions Flashcards
Slow conduction through the AV node; very short half life not appropriate for wide complex ventricular arrhythmias or a.fib/a.flutte
a sypathomimetic that is a selective to b2 adrenegric recpetors; b2 agonist with minimal amount of side affects. Causes prompt bronchodialtion with a duration of about 5 hours
An antiarrhythmic drug that has characteristics of all classes because it affects several cellular channels. It is a parasympathetic, lengths the cardiac action cycle slows conduction mostly AV node and prolongs refactory time. It also have a vasodilation action and can decrease cardiac workload and myocardial and 02 consumption but this can also lower blood pressure and has an adverse effect
cardiac workload and myocardial and 02 consumption but this can also lower blood pressure and has an adverse effect
Main prehospital functions is to decrease ability of platelets to bind together which would decrease the risk of additional clotting at the site of the clot, for our purposes in the heart it can also prevent the reforming of a clot once it has been dissipated. It does this by blocking the formation type of the prostaglandin that causes platelets formation (come together) and arteries to constrict the same substance also blocks pain sensors which reduced sensation of pain although the cause of pain has not change. It is also known for his true anti-inflammatory at the side of the chronic or acute injury and will reduce fever
of the prostaglandin that causes platelets formation (come together) and arteries to constrict the same substance also blocks pain sensors which reduced sensation of pain although the cause of pain has not change. It is also known for his true anti-inflammatory at the side of the chronic or acute injury and will reduce fever
injury and will reduce fever P J
binds acetylcholine receptors to inhibit parasympathetic system; chronotropic;works to increase artrial rate has no effects on muscle contractility or pump action also known as a chemical pacemaker though only effects is on the atrial not the ventricles, so much less likely to work in high degree blocks
high degree blocks f 2
Antihistamine with anticholinergic and sedative side effects rapid onset of action; will not reverse airway compromise or shock
calcium chloride
^cardiac muscle contractility, ^ventricle automaticity replaces calcium incases of hypocalcemia or in the presence of too much calcuim channel blocker;also assists in the repair of hyperkalemia; antidote for mag sufate
Causes a relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and slows conduction of AV node causes vascular dilation and slows rapid ventricular rate associated with a.fib/a.flutter
Binds and absorbs ingested toxins in the G.I. tract stay bound until discharge from the body as waste
cyanokit; cyanide antidote
binds with cyainde ions and converted into cyanocobalim(vitiam b) which is then excreted by the kidneys; cyanide is a poison that rapidly attaches to the cytochrome oxidase complex in the mitrochondrial which keeps the cells from using oxygen and forcing the cell into anaerobic respirations. This results in production of lactic celluar hypoxia and metabolic acidosis
cyanokit; cyanide antidote
results in production of lactic celluar hypoxia and metabolic acidosis h
dextrose: carbohydrate
Supplies or replaces glucose for the body, particularly the brain
Chemical precursor to norepi acts on alpha/beta-1 dopaminergic receptors; effects are dose related; ^BP due to both Alph/abeta1 effects by increased stroke volume, peripheral vasoconstriction doesn’t ^oxygen demand on the heart as much as epi and doesn’t have as much powerful of heart rate effects
EPI: Sympathetic agonist; naturally occurring catecholamine
A potent alpha and beta adrenergic stimulant producing increased blood flow to the myocardium and brain. Beta effects include increased possibility of increase cardiac workload and O2 consumption
combined effects ^heart rate, ^contractile force, ^electrical activity in the myocardium including simulating spontaneous firing of conductive cells; ^systemic vascular resistance; ^blood pressure; ^automaticity; may convert fine v.fib to course and increases the chances of successful defibrillation
etomidate(amidate); hypnotic, sedative
A very vapid and short acting sedative for cardioversion and pacing to treat shivering if receiving ice therapy as well as for medication assisted intubation or for assistance with spinal immobilization
Protein secreted by pancreas it is now DNA recombatant increases the blood glucose level by converting glycogen that the liver may have stored into glucose it also blocks formation of glycogen from glucose and is indicated when a patient this hypoglycemic/symptomatic and IV cannot be placed; it also extetrs a positive inotropic action on the heart,decreases renal vascular resistance
be placed; it also extetrs a positive inotropic action on the heart,decreases renal vascular resistance FFA
glutose: sugar replacement
Oral simple sugar the raises available glutose to brain without IM/IV/subq meds
hurricane spray; topical oral anesthetic
provides quick topical and anesthesia wherever the medication comes in contact with mucous membrane; to be used to dull or suppress gag reflex in order to perform nasal or oral intubation
Lasix (fourosemide)
A loop diuretic that inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the kidneys the first effect after administration(5min) is vasovalidation therefore reducing preload and decreasing workload of the heart the second effect that actual diuresis occurs within 5 to 15 minutes
Lidocaine 2% bolus; Antiarrthymic class 1
Depresses depolarization and automaticity in the ventricles;little effects on atria;therapeutic dosage don’t slow AVnode ordepressed myocardia conductivity,suppresses ventricular ectopy in the presence of AMI. ^fibrillation threshold.Reduces ventricular irritability.Narrow therapeutic toxic
lidocaine 2% bolus: antiarrythythmic class 1
Mag sulfate: Antiarrhythmic/CNS Depressant
An essential element in many biochemical proceses acts as a calcium channel blocker and blocks neuro transmission; treats hypo- magnesemia which is associated with arrhythmias vf/vt, cardiac insufficient and sudden-death;depresses CNS and movement(in higher doses)
Morphine sulfate: narcotic analgesic
CNS depressant and potent analgesic and provides sedation, and pain relief; It also decreases cardiac 02 demand by the decreased systhemic resistance and sedative effects
Narcan (nalaoxone): narcotic antagonistic
Chemically similar to narotics has only antagonist properties by competing for opiate receptors in the brain as well as displacing these receptors partially or fully reverse OD use most frequently to reverse resp.depression from OD but not to provide full recovery prehospital
nitroglycerin: nitrate
A smooth muscle relaxant that reduces cardiac workload by dilating coronary vessels resulting increase cornary blood flow and improves the flow to ischemic heart. Relief of ischemia may result in the reduction of chest pain also causes peripheral vasodilation which decreases preload
sodium bicarb: alkalizing agent
A salt that provides bicarbonate to buffer metabolic acidosis. Also used as an antidote for certain ODs particular tricylic antidepressants use for hyperkalemia
sodium thiosulfate: cyanide antidote
The sulfur binds with cyanide to convert it into thiocyantes and sulfites which are much less toxic and excreted in the urine
A controlled substance use CNS depressan anit anxiety drug; fast acting(1.5-5min) short duration
valium(diazepam) anticonvulsant; sedative, hyponotic
A benzodiazepine that suppresses the spread of seizure activity in the cortex of the brain but not stop the abnormal discharge; Effective as a smooth muscle relaxant and can be used as a sedative for pre-cardioversion although with longer onset of action and duration, versed is preferred
a sypathomimetic that is a selective to b2 adrenegric recpetors; b2 agonist with minimal amount of side affects. Causes prompt bronchodialtion with a duration of about 5 hours
Slow conduction through the AV node; very short half life not appropriate for wide complex ventricular arrhythmias or a.fib/a.flutte
An antiarrhythmic drug that has characteristics of all classes because it affects several cellular channels. It is a parasympathetic, lengths the cardiac action cycle slows conduction mostly AV node and prolongs refactory time. It also have a vasodilation action and can decrease cardiac workload and myocardial and 02 consumption but this can also lower blood pressure and has an adverse effect
cardiac workload and myocardial and 02 consumption but this can also lower blood pressure and has an adverse effect
Main prehospital functions is to decrease ability of platelets to bind together which would decrease the risk of additional clotting at the site of the clot, for our purposes in the heart it can also prevent the reforming of a clot once it has been dissipated. It does this by blocking the formation type of the prostaglandin that causes platelets formation (come together) and arteries to constrict the same substance also blocks pain sensors which reduced sensation of pain although the cause of pain has not change. It is also known for his true anti-inflammatory at the side of the chronic or acute injury and will reduce fever
of the prostaglandin that causes platelets formation (come together) and arteries to constrict the same substance also blocks pain sensors which reduced sensation of pain although the cause of pain has not change. It is also known for his true anti-inflammatory at the side of the chronic or acute injury and will reduce fever
injury and will reduce fever P J
binds acetylcholine receptors to inhibit parasympathetic system; chronotropic;works to increase artrial rate has no effects on muscle contractility or pump action also known as a chemical pacemaker though only effects is on the atrial not the ventricles, so much less likely to work in high degree blocks
high degree blocks f 2
Antihistamine with anticholinergic and sedative side effects rapid onset of action; will not reverse airway compromise or shock
^cardiac muscle contractility, ^ventricle automaticity replaces calcium incases of hypocalcemia or in the presence of too much calcuim channel blocker;also assists in the repair of hyperkalemia; antidote for mag sufate
calcium chloride
Causes a relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and slows conduction of AV node causes vascular dilation and slows rapid ventricular rate associated with a.fib/a.flutter
Binds and absorbs ingested toxins in the G.I. tract stay bound until discharge from the body as waste
binds with cyainde ions and converted into cyanocobalim(vitiam b) which is then excreted by the kidneys; cyanide is a poison that rapidly attaches to the cytochrome oxidase complex in the mitrochondrial which keeps the cells from using oxygen and forcing the cell into anaerobic respirations. This results in production of lactic celluar hypoxia and metabolic acidosis
cyanokit; cyanide antidote
results in production of lactic celluar hypoxia and metabolic acidosis h
cyanokit; cyanide antidote
Supplies or replaces glucose for the body, particularly the brain
dextrose: carbohydrate
Chemical precursor to norepi acts on alpha/beta-1 dopaminergic receptors; effects are dose related; ^BP due to both Alph/abeta1 effects by increased stroke volume, peripheral vasoconstriction doesn’t ^oxygen demand on the heart as much as epi and doesn’t have as much powerful of heart rate effects
A potent alpha and beta adrenergic stimulant producing increased blood flow to the myocardium and brain. Beta effects include increased possibility of increase cardiac workload and O2 consumption
EPI: Sympathetic agonist; naturally occurring catecholamine
combined effects ^heart rate, ^contractile force, ^electrical activity in the myocardium including simulating spontaneous firing of conductive cells; ^systemic vascular resistance; ^blood pressure; ^automaticity; may convert fine v.fib to course and increases the chances of successful defibrillation
A very vapid and short acting sedative for cardioversion and pacing to treat shivering if receiving ice therapy as well as for medication assisted intubation or for assistance with spinal immobilization
etomidate(amidate); hypnotic, sedative
Protein secreted by pancreas it is now DNA recombatant increases the blood glucose level by converting glycogen that the liver may have stored into glucose it also blocks formation of glycogen from glucose and is indicated when a patient this hypoglycemic/symptomatic and IV cannot be placed; it also extetrs a positive inotropic action on the heart,decreases renal vascular resistance
be placed; it also extetrs a positive inotropic action on the heart,decreases renal vascular resistance FFA
Oral simple sugar the raises available glutose to brain without IM/IV/subq meds
glutose: sugar replacement
provides quick topical and anesthesia wherever the medication comes in contact with mucous membrane; to be used to dull or suppress gag reflex in order to perform nasal or oral intubation
hurricane spray; topical oral anesthetic
A loop diuretic that inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the kidneys the first effect after administration(5min) is vasovalidation therefore reducing preload and decreasing workload of the heart the second effect that actual diuresis occurs within 5 to 15 minutes
Lasix (fourosemide)
Depresses depolarization and automaticity in the ventricles;little effects on atria;therapeutic dosage don’t slow AVnode ordepressed myocardia conductivity,suppresses ventricular ectopy in the presence of AMI. ^fibrillation threshold.Reduces ventricular irritability.Narrow therapeutic toxic
Lidocaine 2% bolus; Antiarrthymic class 1
lidocaine 2% bolus: antiarrythythmic class 1
An essential element in many biochemical proceses acts as a calcium channel blocker and blocks neuro transmission; treats hypo- magnesemia which is associated with arrhythmias vf/vt, cardiac insufficient and sudden-death;depresses CNS and movement(in higher doses)
Mag sulfate: Antiarrhythmic/CNS Depressant
CNS depressant and potent analgesic and provides sedation, and pain relief; It also decreases cardiac 02 demand by the decreased systhemic resistance and sedative effects
Morphine sulfate: narcotic analgesic
Chemically similar to narotics has only antagonist properties by competing for opiate receptors in the brain as well as displacing these receptors partially or fully reverse OD use most frequently to reverse resp.depression from OD but not to provide full recovery prehospital
Narcan (nalaoxone): narcotic antagonistic
A smooth muscle relaxant that reduces cardiac workload by dilating coronary vessels resulting increase cornary blood flow and improves the flow to ischemic heart. Relief of ischemia may result in the reduction of chest pain also causes peripheral vasodilation which decreases preload
nitroglycerin: nitrate
A salt that provides bicarbonate to buffer metabolic acidosis. Also used as an antidote for certain ODs particular tricylic antidepressants use for hyperkalemia
sodium bicarb: alkalizing agent
The sulfur binds with cyanide to convert it into thiocyantes and sulfites which are much less toxic and excreted in the urine
sodium thiosulfate: cyanide antidote
A controlled substance use CNS depressan anit anxiety drug; fast acting(1.5-5min) short duration
A benzodiazepine that suppresses the spread of seizure activity in the cortex of the brain but not stop the abnormal discharge; Effective as a smooth muscle relaxant and can be used as a sedative for pre-cardioversion although with longer onset of action and duration, versed is preferred
valium(diazepam) anticonvulsant; sedative, hyponotic