Meditation Time Cheats Flashcards
Law of Pure Potentiality
Om Bhavam Namah = I AM absolute existence.
7th Center - Consciousness/ Crown Chakra - Sahasrara
Mantra: Aum/Silence
Violet - Compassion - Thought - None
Eagle: Sees big pic & balance b/n earth beings & spirit, Knows earth journey not separate f/ spiritual identity
Thousand-spoked: Connect->Spirit+Wisdom: To KNOW
I AM intelligent and aware.
I AM one with everything.
I HAVE endless great ideas!
**Because my crown chakra is balanced, the look of relaxed peace melts down from my crown, all over my face. **
Means = Unification of being w/ action, of universality w/ individuality.
Free flowing to & between…chakras
Above: To SOURCE then pours down to Root
Today: Crown (7th/Violet/Potentiality)
- 6th:* 3rd Eye (Purp/Sat/Dharma)
- 5th*: Throat (Fri/Blue/F/Detach)
- 4th:* Heart (Green/M/Give +Receive)
- 3rd:* Energy (Yel/Thr/Intent+Desire)
- 2nd:* Creativity (Org/Wed/Least Effort)
- 1st:* Root (Tues//Red/Karma)

Law of Giving & Receiving
Om Vardhanam Namah = I AM the nourisher of the universe.
4th Center/ Heart Chakra=Anahata
Mantra = Yam
Green - Air - Touch - Vegetables
Wolf - Loves & cares for others, r-ship/ community awareness, joy f/ nurturing & supporting others.
Unstuck - Love/Connection - LOVE
I am loving & loveable.
I am deeply compassionate.
I am a source of healing in the world.
**The deep love in my heart is visible through the countenance in my eyes.**
Means = love & compassion unified, overcomes separation & division. >>>
Free flowing to & between…
Above: Throat (5th/Blue/Fri/Detachment)
Today: Heart (4th/Green/Mon/Give+Receive)
Below: Energy (3rd/Yellow/Thr/ Intention & Desire)

Law of Karma
(Cause & Effect)
Om Kriyam Namah = My actions are aligned with cosmic law.
1st Center/ Root Chakra = Muladhara
Mantra: Lam
Red - Earth - Touch - Proteins
Mole Respects: dependence on Earth’s alchemy & soil’s alchemy supporting all life, 1st awareness of physical form, r-ship to Earth, honors Source.
Root Support - Physical Existence - Right to HAVE
I am grounded, safe & secure.
I make an excellent living doing what I passionately love - that which gives me deep purpose & meaning.
I am stable, strong & healthy.
**Because I am so safe & secure, I have deep peace and this shows on my face.**
Means: Governs survival needs = core needs met w/o struggle. Keeping open: key to physical + emotional abundance.
>>>Free flowing to and between<<<
- 7th:* Crown (Violet/Potentiality)
- 6th:* Intuition (/Purp/Sat/Dharma)
- 5th:* Throat (Fri/Blue/F/Detach)
- 4th:* Heart (Green/M/Give +Receive)
- 3rd:* Energy (Yell/Thr/Intention+Desire)
- 2nd:* Creativity (Orange/Wed/Least Effort)
- ^^^Above^^^*
Today: Root (1st/Red/Karma)
Down: N/A, flows up to Crown (7/Violet/Sun/Potential)

Law of Least Effort
Om Daksham Namah = My actions achieve max benefit w/ min effort.
2nd/ Creativity/ Svadhisthana
Mantra: Vam
Orange - Water - Taste - Liquids Badger - Recognizes ind. needs; self care; power & vulnerability of Life Force manifests w/in us, sacredness, Healing energy for self & others
1’s Own Place - Emotions+Int’cy: FEEL
I am creative + adaptable.
I am a sensual + sexual being.
I am able to enjoy life’s pleasures.
**With this creativity chakra balanced, it releases energy and excitement to be revealed on my face.**
Means = Fuels creative force >>> Free flowing to and between…chakras
- 7th:* Crown (Violet/Potentiality)
- 6th:* Intuition (/Purp/Sat/Dharma)
- 5th:* Throat (Fri/Blue/F/Detach)
- 4th:* Heart (Green/M/Give +Receive)
- 3rd:* Energy (Yell/Thr/Intention+Desire)
Today: Creativity (Or/W/Least Effort)
1st: Root (Red/Tues/Karma)

Law of Intention & Desire
Om Ritam Namah: My intentions & desires are supported by cosmic intelligence.
3rd Center / Energy Chakra / Manipura
Mantra: Ram
Yellow - Fire - Sight - Carbs
BEAR - Symbolizes self-knowledge & growth; Standing in own power; Transition & change thru introspection; Recognizes human knowing’s limits, humanity & forgiveness’s power.
Lustrous Gem: Power+Identity: ACT
I CAN do anything I set my mind to.
I AM powerful & use it wisely.
I HAVE great humor & laugh often.
**My face reveals deep happiness and contentment.**
Means = Can translate intentions & desires into manifestations.
>>> Free flowing to & b/n…chakras <<<
- 7th:* Crown (Violet/Potentiality)
- 6th:* Intuition (/Purp/Sat/Dharma)
- 5th:* Throat (Blue/Fri/Detach)
- 4th*: Heart (Green/M/Give + Receive)
Today: Energy (Yel/Thr/Intent+Desire)
- 2nd*: Creativity (Orange/W/Least Effort)
1st: Root (Tue//Red/Karma)

Law of Detachment
Om Anandham Namah = My actions are blissfully free f/ attachment to outcome.
5th Center - Throat/Expression Center, Vishuddha
Mantra: Hum
Blue - Hearing - Sound - Fruits
Personal Power Animal - Find own voice & personal gift’s best uses & honor them w/ courage/ Distinguish b/n powers: self, over others, others over u
Purity: Self-Expression, Life Purpose: EXPRESS
I KNOW my truth & I share it.
I AM guided by my deepest purpose.
My life is GUIDED by divine synchronicity.
**I have peace that my life is in the right place and this releases worry from showing on my face.**
Means = When open & flowing, can confidently communicate needs. When blocked, one feels they’re not being heard. To feel alive & empowered, this center must be clear.
Free flowing to & b/n…chakras
7th: Crown (Violet/Potentiality)
6th: 3rd Eye (Purp/Sat/Dharma)
Today: Throat (5/Blue/F/Detach)
4th: Heart (Green/M/Give+Receive)
- 3rd:* Energy (Yel/Thr/Intention+Desire)
- 2nd:* Creativity (Orng/Wed/Least Effort)
- 1st:* Root (Tues//Red/Karma)

Law of Dharma
(Purpose in Life)
Om Varunam Namah = My life is in harmony with cosmic law.
6th Center: Brow Chakra: 3rd Eye: Anja
Mantra: Sham/ Om
Purple - Intuition (ESP/6th Sense) - Light - Beauty (visual feast)
Mountain Lion -Quest for wisdom (tracking) - Differentiate b/n human knowledge & universal truth. -Open to lessons f/ true elders: >Sees forces/truths governing ALL life.
Command- Clear Perspective/Psychic Abilities - To PERCEIVE
I AM intuitive AND
I FOLLOW my inner guidance.
I always SEE the big picture.
I avidly FOLLOW my dreams.
**My third eye is open energetically and physically - no worry lines get in the way of constricting my inner guidance.**
Means = Only 1 desire—remember your essential nature as divine spark. >> Free flowing to & b/n…chakras
7th: Crown (Violet/Sun/Potential)
Today: 3rd Eye (Purp/Sat/Dharma)
- 6th*: Throat (5th/Blue/F/Detach)
- 4th:* Heart (Green/M/Give+Receive)
- 3rd:* Energy (Yel/Thr/Intent+Desire)
- 2nd:* Creativity (Org/Wed/Least Effort)
- 1st*: Root (Tues//Red/Karma)