Medieval medicine 1250-1500 Flashcards
Who was Hippocrates and what were his beliefs?
Greek doctor who created the theory of the four humours
What were the four humours?
Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm ,blood
Why did Hippocrates say people became ill?
If their humours were not balanced
Who was Galen?
A Roman doctor who developed the idea of the four humours
What was Galens theory?
To balance humours out
What were other ideas about the causes of disease?
Miasma-bad air
God- punishment for their sins
Supernatural-stars and planets effect health
Why were urine charts used?
To check the colour, smell and taste to check for Illness and unbalanced humours
Religious treatments?
Pilgrimages to tombs, praying to holy shrines to cure their illness
Paying for mass to be said
How were the four humours treated?
Bloodletting which included:
Cupping (putting warm cups onto open cut to draw out blood)
Leeching (using leaches to duck out the blood)
How else were the four tumours treated?
Purging (swelling mixed herbs and animal fat to make you sick or taking laxatives to empty bowls)
Bathing (warm baths prescribed with herbs to draw out humours.
What were herbal remedies used for?
Smell, drink or bathe in
Honey was also used in wounds
What were in the herbal remedies?
Most remedies used herbs, minerals and animal parts – Stye in the eye used onion, garlic, bulls bladder and wine.
What was surgery like in the Middle Ages?
Medieval surgeons could do some complex external surgery but were not trained properly and were still unaware about dirt causing infections and were unable to stop heavy bleeding.
What was wine used for in the Middle Ages ?
An antiseptic
What did they use as an anaesthetic?
Natural substances (opium or hemlock)
How did people try and prevent disease in the Middle Ages?
Prayer, Christian lifestyle
People based their treatments on zodiac charts
Carried sweet smelling herbs to ward off miasma as well as lighting fires and ringing bells.