Medieval Medicine Flashcards
What was the name for a Medieval doctor?
What medieval method was a rational idea which stopped the spread of disease?
What was Articella?
A medical textbook which included the works of Hippocrates and Galen
In what type of religious building does Mass take place?
A Church
What is the word which describes the identification of the illness or disease that a patient is suffering from?
What types of people would be used for Vivisection in the later middle ages?
What is the name for a journey to a place of religious importance?
A pilgrimage
What was a disease which was used in the Middle Ages and often caused paralysis?
What was phlebotomy?
The process of blood-letting to rid the body of illness
What word describes a belief not based on rational knowledge?
When did the Black Death arrive in England?
What did a barber surgeon do?
Carry out basic surgical procedures
In what buildings do Christian Monks live?
What term was used by those living in later centuries to describe the Medieval belief that ‘bad air’ spread disease?
Why did people believe in the ‘King’s touch’?
Because he was believed to have divine powers from God
What is the term to describe religious self-punishment in the belief that you can say sorry for your sins?
What does ‘chronology’ mean?
The correct ordering of events and time periods
What term describes a situation of stagnation or little change?
What was a medieval ‘stewe’?
A building in which the public could pay a small fee and take a bath
Where could someone go and be looked after if they were suffering from Leprosy?
A Lazar house
What was the name for the payment medieval people made to the Catholic Church every month?
What is the term to describe a severe shortage of food, caused by a crop failure or disaster, which could be common in the Medieval period?
What term describes the condition which results from an unbalanced diet or insufficient food?
What S did Christian Medieval people think God would punish them for?