Medieval Britain Flashcards
c1250 - 1500
Time period of the Medieval Britain
Who were two significant individuals from the Ancient World?
Hippocrates and Galen
What was the Four Humours Theory based on?
The theory of the Four Humours was based on the idea of everything in the world being made of four. Four seasons / Four “elements” / Four Humours.
What was the Theory of Opposites?
- Galen developed the theory that you could balance out Humours by giving someone the opposite to their symptoms. - E.g if someone had a cold- involving cold and wet phlegm- he would offer them advice to eat a hot pepper- hot and dry.
What was the other rational medical belief?
Miasma/miasmata- the belief that bad smelling air had the ability to make a person sick.
Religious beliefs about the causes of disease in Medieval times
- Disease was sent from God to punish the sins of mankind.
- The belief that God and Satan are in a constant battle and when Satan begins to win, people get sick.
- Not keeping clean (both yourself and your home) would anger God —> make you more likely to be cursed with illness.
Rational beliefs about the causes of disease in Medieval times
- Miasma- Belief that the air was filled with harmful fumes.
- Contagion- People had hunches that diseases like leprosy, although “sent from God”, could be caught.
- Four Humours- imbalance in the humours would lead to mental and physical illness.
Supernatural beliefs about the causes of disease in Medieval times
- Astrology- people used astrology and the presence as comets in the sky as explanations of disease.
Why was the Church so powerful in Medieval times in terms of both religious and non-religious matters?
- Only Church at the start of the Middle Ages.
- Lack of scientific knowledge- people looked to the Church for explanations
- Fear of God
- They limited any new ideas, keeping the Church’s strength high
Were supernatural/religious beliefs in the causes of disease more influential than rational ones?
Yes- Church had final say.
Why did the Church allow the theories of Galen (and by extension Hippocrates)?
- Galen often wrote about a ‘creator’; this fitted with Christian belief in God
- Galen believed in the idea of the soul; again, this fitted with Christian beliefs
Methods of prevention in Medieval Britain
- Regimen Sanitatis
- pray first and then bathe
- Stay clean to avoid God’s wrath
- Paying for a special mass
Methods of treatment in Medieval Britain
- Self-flagellation
- Being touched by the hands of the King - who was believed to be God’s representative on Earth
- 4 Humors treatments- to rebalance the humours
- Herbal remedies
- Supernatural non-religious treatments
Examples of humoural (4 humors theory) treatments in Medieval Britain
- Blood-letting (now known as phlebotomy) - normally done by Barber Surgeons + wise women.
- Purging- encouragement of vomiting or diarrhea
Three methods of bloodletting
- Cutting a vein
- Using leeches
- Cupping
How did people ‘purge’?
Used emetics or a laxative to encourage vomiting or diarrhea.
What book was published about herbal remedies?
Materia Medica, which detailed 600 plants, trees and minerals.
Why was flagellation seen as a prevention?
By showing repentance for your sins, there was no reason for God to punish you with illness.