Medieval and Renaissance Medicine Flashcards
What is Anatomy
The structure of the body. For example: bones, nerves, muscles
What is Physology?
The way organs function within the body
What is the significance of John Hunter?
- His work was controversial, as he operated on dead bodies
- Known as the “Father of Scientific Surgery”
What was Quackery?
- People sold medicine fully understanding that they didn’t know what they said they did.
- Success at Quackery often depended on the sellers charm and charisma. And how effectively they could play upon peoples fears and uncertainty, perhaps in times of plagues and pandemics
What medicines were used in early modern Britain
New ingredients were being discovered in medicines
What year did the Black Plague start?
What is child bed fever?
An infection of the womb in mothers that can lead to septicemia
Who started good hygime in hospitals?
Alexander Gordon
What was Andreas Versalius known for?
Dissected bodies to discover the human anatomy
What was Ambroise Pare worried about?
Created other methods for helping soldiers at war
What was William Harvey known for?
Learned about the circulatory system and blood flow