Medicine through time Flashcards
Flashcard 1: Q: What was the main belief about illness in medieval society?
A: Illness was believed to be caused by God, either as punishment or a test of faith.
Flashcard 2: Q: How did belief in supernatural causes of illness impact medical research in the Middle Ages?
A: It held back medical research and limited new ideas about disease.
Flashcard 3: Q: How did astrology relate to medieval medicine?
A: Astrology was believed to cause diseases and was used for diagnosis, especially after the Black Death.
Flashcard 4: Q: What role did the Church play in education and learning during the Middle Ages?
A: The Church ran universities, taught most people, and controlled what was learned and read.
Flashcard 5: Q: Why did the Church support Galen’s ideas?
A: Galen’s theories matched Christian beliefs about the body and soul being created by God.
Flashcard 6: Q: What was the impact of dissections on medical knowledge in the Middle Ages?
A: Dissections were rare and often ignored findings that contradicted Galen’s theories.
Flashcard 7: Q: How did the Church contribute to caring for the sick?
A: The Church encouraged caring for the sick and many hospitals were located in monasteries and nunneries.
Flashcard 8: Q: In what way did monasteries influence medicine during the Middle Ages?
A: Monasteries were key in education, preserving books, and providing care, which shaped medical practice